
20 October 2004

Cowboy Killer

Some people think it is a good idea to keep a spare cowboy lying around in case of cowboy-type emergencies. You know, if a bull gets loose or you need a country line-dancing partner or whatever.

I was recently smoking a cigarette and someone told me it was bad for me! I did some research on the website and found out that they were right. What a fool I've been. I'm going to quit smoking now if it kills me. Seriously.

Welcome to Overcompensating!


Blogger Jed said...

the cowboy is either humping air or straddling air or dancing with air but only with his lower torso

20/10/04 02:01  
Blogger Tim O'Donnell said...

Be kind to the humble cowboy.

He's the man who moves our cattle from one end of the country to the other.

And without him, the very bovine lifeblood of this great nation would come to a hideous, hideous standstill.

That being said, cigs are damn expensive. If I were a cowboy, I'd appreciate a free pack of smokes being hurled at me now and again.

So do your part, america!

Throw a pack of cigarettes at a cowboy! Or somebody dressed like a cowboy!

20/10/04 02:51  
Blogger K said...


Hey, who is the hot blonde?

20/10/04 03:36  
Blogger Student said...

Why is the anonymous blonde wearing rollerblades?

20/10/04 17:23  
Blogger K said...

Oh, right, she is nameless and nonexistent.


The look on Jeff's face right there where he is mad, at the upper right, is spot-on-perfect for the real thing.

20/10/04 17:54  
Blogger Pauleon said...

ya dudes, smoking kills. it causes cancer. every. single. bloody. type. so quit. while u still can.

21/10/04 06:05  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's crazy, right? They should totally learn you this stuff in school.


24/10/04 00:21  
Blogger League of Night and Fog said...

Nawwww. What would have been better is if he'd opened the packet, light the cigarette and stuck it in the cowboys EYE! Now that would have been entertaining.

Artificial Intelligence

25/10/04 08:59  
Blogger JB said...

Don't quit smoking-how is my wife gonna keep working as an RN if you folks don't keep getting cancer?

11/11/04 03:10  
Blogger Jonn Wood said...

If you need a square-dancing partner, just pretend to be gay. Several Texans will pop out of nowhere and tell you you're sinning.

21/1/05 10:56  

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