I couldn't very well let The Poopmonster win today. Well, he still wins, but at least I went down swingin.'
It is quite obvious my new schedule is a considerable failure. What I'm gonna try to do now is not promise anything but do at the very least Wigu Mon-Fri and OC Mon-Wed-Fri. We'll see how that works out. I don't really like to jack into cyberspace on the weekends sometimes, but not this weekend (see below).
Jeph and I went to see CYHSY last night open for some whiny band called "The National." It the first show I ever went to where the crowd was halfway cleared out before the headliner started.
I finally got my new camera! Son Of Old Zoomy (a Canon A520) is a modest yet dashing little champ, weighing in at a staggering four megapixels. Thanks again for letting me get it, I'll begin uploading pictures as soon as I get a free few moments!
Webcest finally has an urbandictionary entry, which is where it belongs... for now.
I'm gonna get together some discontinued and tainted merchandise and have an excess inventory sale this weekend. We're talkin $9.99 t-shirts and $19.99 hoodies up in this mug. Watch The Loch Ness Monster Adventure Club for deets, I'll try to make an announcement here when it goes live.
Have a sensible weekend you'll feel good about. And if you are a terrorist, please don't do anything bad this weekend. You don't scare me but I'd rather not be inconvenienced because you think you're better than us, idiot.

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