
29 May 2006

Horse Party

I went to a birthday party for a horse yesterday! It's hard to pick out a gift for the horse that has everything.

Pat Robertson can leg press 2,000 pounds. This means if God doesn't kick your ass for doing something that Pat Robertson doesn't like, Pat Robertson is going to do it himself.

In an effort to become slightly less reclusive, I've re-enabled comments for OC. Please be honest and reasonable if you post.

Today is Memorial Day! Please remember and give thanks to all the people who gave their lives in order to stop powerful people from being complete assholes. Thank you.


Blogger Grant Hutchins said...

Back here in Oklahoma it isn't Memorial Day yet! Lies!

29/5/06 01:50  
Blogger Jordyn Nolz said...

So, if I want to keep doing things Pat Robertson disapproves up, I should gain a couple thousand pounds?

29/5/06 02:20  
Blogger Tom Meade said...

The expression of the horse really is precious.

Aren't all horses officially birthdayed on the same day?

29/5/06 02:21  
Blogger I'm Scooter, but I might be a troll. said...

Happy memorial day. I watched the National Memorial Day concert on PBS.

Joe Mantegna and Gary Sinise did a good job. I really liked the tribute to the National Guard. I think they are being over extended. I hope the Afghanistan and Iraq wars are over soon.

Oh, and your horse drawings are quite precious.

29/5/06 02:26  
Blogger jeffrey rowland said...

All horses are like Unicorns except not quite as magical.

29/5/06 02:44  
Blogger Nermy said...


That explains why there were so many Americans in Canada this weekend!

I will rally the werewolves with hockey sticks to counter-attack on Canada Day.

29/5/06 03:21  
Blogger earthboundkid said...

'S not a Game Boy. It's just a DS! And you shuoldnt give them to horses! Unless you think they can use their hooves to hold the pen. But I don't think they can ! And also, You should play the New Super Mario Bros.!!11

/idiot fan boy.

29/5/06 03:39  
Blogger wayne said...

Sadly, it will only be a matter of time before someone does something else that will make you realize that we just can't be trusted with the power of the comments. Save yourself the trouble, Mr. Rowland. Turn them off now.
Thank you for making OC available to us and good day.

29/5/06 03:52  
Blogger Ronald MacKinnon said...

Just wondering, did Spicer crush the DS out of hatred, or because horse hooves don't hold stylus' very well?

29/5/06 08:58  
Blogger R.Fiction.Esq. said...

A splendid comic Mr. Rowland, probably the only safe for work use of the phrase 'horse party' in all the internet.

wireless crappability
Has anyone had anything wireless that has actually worked?

29/5/06 09:31  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this comic is EXCELLENT! keep up the great work -

29/5/06 12:00  
Blogger bazooka radio said...

You can draw horsey dongs on game-boys from the future??

My gameboy just plays tetris and Faceball 2000.

Oh Technology! You are a cruel mistress!

29/5/06 14:06  
Blogger Rev. L. said...

Hooray! Commenty goodness once again.

29/5/06 16:53  
Blogger bob said...

Pat Robertson is Superman, obviously.

29/5/06 20:09  
Blogger Chris A said...

Yay! I share the same birthday as a horse!

30/5/06 00:09  
Blogger Jehu Campos said...

hahahahaha. horses can't play Nintendo DS because they don't have opposable THUMBS!!! How silly! Also Pat Robertson is probably on steroids. Who knows what he laces his hosts and wine with. Perhaps eau de Samson?

30/5/06 01:34  
Blogger John Favaro said...

Just goes to show...the horse really wanted a PSP!

31/5/06 21:49  

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