
Here is a bit of optimism for your Friday! I also think if John Ashcroft needs a new job in a couple of weeks he could be like the new Alan Funt on an all new "Candid Camera" show.
Agents all storm into someone's house screaming "YOU CHECKED OUT MEIN KAMPF FROM THE LIBRARY, YOU'RE GOING TO CAMP X-RAY!" Kids are screaming, feathers are flying everywhere, then suddenly Ashcroft jumps out from inside the laundry hamper and starts singing "Let The Eagle Soar." It's TV GOLD.
Why is having a tiny video camera in your intestines a bad thing?
CIA/MI5 gone mad. That's why it's bad. They want to see what you eat now. Terrible, isn't it?
And what if that tiny video camera is videotaping your intestines consuming your stomach.
I would totally watch the Intestine Camera show.
You know, if the CIA or MI5 or the Illuminati or whoever want to see this totally awesome chicken vindaloo I just ate, more power to 'em.
Plus it makes more jobs! Who wouldn't want eight dollars an hour to watch me digest indian food?
But my real worry -- since I already KNOW I have video cameras in my abdomen -- is why the wild dogs would be getting sick chowin' down on me. I'm thinking maybe the large hourly doses of strychnine I forced myself to grow immune to to impress the ladies, but that can't be it, because of my special ring.
This is fantastic stuff. I'm a huge fan, Mr. Rowland. So huge that I wish your shirts came a size larger.
And for the people wondering what the deal with the intestine camera is, I imagine the idea is that if they're watching your intestines, what else are they watching? And why? Why for the love of God would they want to go to all that effort to do it? Obviously, there's something that they know that you don't. Awesomely great stuff.
Hey! A little library humor. Cool stuff. We're not watching you (no, seriously...).
- A librarian
oh shit and the camera's video resolution is subpar and outdated! WORSERESTER
I'm thinking reality series where you are surprise-crashed and they unleash self-killing wolves, the whole thing seen from the BELLY BUTTON PERSPECTIVE, which is all the new rage, yo.
This comic = the motherfucking WIN.
Anyone notice that he said he couldn't move in the first panel, then he picked out the camera in the third? Hahaha....
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