Cars That Go Boom

We were watching some old Superman cartoons from 1941-42 where Superman just hated Japanese people. Trucks WITH "DANGER EXPLOSIVES" written on them in cartoons don't generally just sit around in the background. If you see a truck with that warning in a cartoon, it is probably going to be of crucial importance to the plot.
Heh, (well I think I am anyway)
What happened did Jeff just randomly Jump an explosives truck and hten his weight made go kaboom?
I guess the windshield wasn't hump-proof. Better luck next time, Jeff!
They don't talk about it too much, but Superman STILL hates Japanese people so hard. He just can't let it go.
Man, those obvious plot devices (you wouldn't have met the character unless he was important, they wouldn't have taken the time to show you the bullet casings if they wouldn't come in handy later, that sort of thing) are probably the only reason I sometimes do well at figuring out the plots in Law & Order and the like.
Then there was that one movie, with the cops and the guy who was strangling women, and the lady was used as bait, and all through the movie people are suspecting each other, and it turns out to have been some totally random dude. It defied narrative laws.
Whoa Jeff, I think thats about the first Overcompensating without the chix0r being really angry!! *gasp* this is so new... mental overload... =)
I'm torn between feeling concerned for Jeffrey, and being excited to find out what happened! You know the hero always survives these terrible explosions that always kill everyone else...
The suspense is killing me...or maybe just slightly maiming...
I notice that the ratio of criticism to Jeff-love is surprisingly high today... You people need to remember something: TEH JEFF > TEH J00
Note that the truck just said "DANGER EXPLOSIVES" instead of "DANGER: EXPLOSIVES". That makes it sound like some brand of explosives you could buy for children. I can see it now: "New, from the makers of 'Puppy juice', it's DANGER EXPLOSIVES! Better than regular Explosives! @#$%in' awesome compared to 'SAFE EXPLOSIVES'! Buy yours today!"
Heh, puppy juice, best Daily show skit ever.
"Puppy Juice: Not just for breakfast anymore. Now with more puppies!"
I need to go move my Danger Explosives truck off the street.
Yeah, Superman really hated the Jap-O-Teurs. That plane that they had though, the one that fit a thousand planes inside? That was pretty awesome.
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