It Is a Good Day to Steal

I saw this show on Court TV about a jewel thief who stole jewels from people like Phyllis Diller, Robert Goulet, Bob Hope, Armand Hammer, and Johnny Weissmuller (he accidentally stole Weissmuller's Gold Medal and ended up sending it back. He wasn't sorry at all about anything he did because he stole from rich people. That guy rules.
that is some pretty impressive burglarin' when you can just sort of cut a hole in the wall with what i'm assuming is a pocket knife.
I thought it was a can opener he used.
Really though, Jeff, you should be the angry one. Don't you live alone? What the hell is she doing in your house while you're trying to burgle it?
There is a secret about the lady that I will not even tell if yout guess it.
She is Jeff's sister. Also, Darth Vader is Jeff's father.
somehow, i bet that neither of them are wearing parts in this comic...
and that is only part of the reason he willn't share the secret of the mystery woman.
another part of the reason, is that she was rifling through hiw underpants drawer.
then again these are just my thoeries, and they could be right.
if i'm not mistaken it looks like one of the paintings hanging in the cowboy guy's apartment from the royal tenenbaums. those things are seriously trippy. and also, just funny.
also jeff i used to chats with you once in a while back in the day online. you should do that sort of thing more often. it would be TREMENDOUSLY MAGNIFICENT. also, nice use of lyle's whiskey a couple strips back OK THAT IS ALL
Jeff...Jeff....Jeff...still funny stuff...I think the burglar hat should be worn more has a great effect on the hair...however I have a problem...the hole in the wall...well, there's a flap...After using the can opener to cut a hole in the wall it just left the wall hanging as a it a teepee? What is this special wall made of? Ok, but keep shellin' these funnies out! I enjoy them mucho!
Jeff, where are you, where have you gone? I miss you.
The biggest shopping days of the year are actually the few days before Christmas. Just a little info I thought you might like to hear. :)
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