Don't Drink the Brown Water

Have you seen that commercial for some cell phone company that is about "Christmahannukwanzaka" or something like that? There is a girl in it who is naked and holding a giant cell phone in front of her, and she sings the line "no contractual obligation" and, man... there's something about the way she sings that line that sets my loins a'quiver.
That is the best name for a brand of chips...ever.
Sometimes I wish I had the time or patience to be a conspiracy theorist.
Thank you, Jeffrey Rowland, for letting me live out a little snippet on my dream via your autobiographical webcomic [w/ metatext!].
I too am all about the "No Contractual Obligations" girl. She's vulnerable (naked), smart (multi-syllabic words), and she's a free spirit (easy). She just wants to make sure we all have the best Chrismahannukwanzaka ever.
gah! i'm glad others are joining the naked-cellphone-girl fanclub with me. this is going to be the best chrismahannakwanzaka ever.
Love the cartoon. Just like the American society. Always concerned with the latest news... forgetting about everything else that may affect their lives.
Jeffrey, Jeffrey, make my stomach hurt.
From laughing so hard of course!
But I have you figured out. You are a superhero aren't you! A cowboy superhero. Who rides towards other cowboy superhero's with sharp pointy things, trying to unhorse eachother. I bet that isn't even your real name...
I knew it.... :)
Jeff -
I will be near your place of living in december.
we should show the world how its done.
go to and see if you are interested.
a loyal fan since forever,
--clint d.
I completely agree with you on the naked cell phone girl. She's the best part of the whole commercial.
Though the "eggnog made of soy" line makes me giggle, too.
I have never seen the commercial...but I checked out the picture...and I have a question...Does the cell phone have to be that big? It's twice the size of her body...I think it's bigger then the phone Zack Morris used in Saved by the Bell...if thats possible...Not saying I need to see parts of her body sticking out...but it just looks disproportional...Oh by the way Jeff, you rock like a chicken cock! Wait, can I say cock on here with out you deleting it? Guess I'll find out :)
i absolutely hate that commercial.
cell-phone girl is my friend's brother's girlfriend. I swear. she's 17 or 18, he's 25. Hells of creepy.
motherfucker's rocking lyle's achewater, too. that is a shirt i anticipate.
You can see the full commercial here
What was the commercial about again? I know it has no contractual obligation.
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