Fat Rude Guys Get All The Honeys

Do you know those TV shows about those fat, ignorant slobs that have inexplicably attractive, patient wives? Like Family Guy and King of Queens? What's up with that, yo? What is the deal with all that?
Shout out to special guest star Jon Polito (or perhaps Jason Alexander) who plays my Agent, and Fran Drescher who plays Attractive Italian Wife.
WOAH! I'm not the only one who has noticed that? I knew there was a reason I counted you among my heroes Jeff.
You fricken rawk.
-Kelly, a girl without a blog.
Crosetti - represent
oh man i hate fran drescher more than that fat rude man hates homosexuals
i was actually getting a jason alexander vibe from the agent..
Man, Jeff, way to nail Fran Drescher. Visually, I mean, not, you know... THAT way. Unless you did, in which case, um, good job? Whatever floats your boat, man.
-Mr. Habits
Maybe it's only on tv that those things happen...
It all started with The Simpsons.
Actually I think it started with the Honeymooners, then the Flintstones cribbed the Flintstones, then "fat slob husband" became an icon of sorts.
Whenever I watch Family Guy, I have to pinch myself and remind myself that Peter is just a cartoon, and people like him don't really exist.
And I shouldn't kill them even if they do exist.
Kelly stole my signature.
Oh man, but the girl who plays Carrie, Leah whateverhernameis, is a scientologist. Major lame.
-christopher b. dino
Nice Drescher, recognized her before I read the post.
Also, all those inexplicably attractive, patient wives happen to have thick New York accents. Noo Yaawk!
Unlike "anonymous" above, I think Fran Drescher is trés sexy. As long as she doesn't say anything. So, given a good ball gag...
Jeff, I've been reading your comic for a month or so now and really enjoy it. Keep up the good work.
the reason unnattractive men get to date attractive women in sitcoms is because our culture values beauty in women more highly than it does in men. what is important in men: ability to earn money, honesty, forthrightness, etc. is not necessarily valued in women. so, if a man has other redeeming qualities, he can end up with a sexy women. plus, women are sex objects in america (see above comments) so generally all women on TV are portrayed as such.
is the sitcom with the aforementioned doug and carrie the king of queens one? because i think she got chubby from having a kid recently... i don't really care because i'd still like to give her a shot in the mouth.
fat guy and hot wife in television hearkens back generations; wasn't jackie gleason's wife on the honeymooners sort of a babe? i mean, relatively; back then it was hot to wear a cone-tit bra and pearls. AND MAYBE IT STILL IS.
Bob that shit was FUNNY! It would be a good TV show really!
lmao. your wav file smacks of greatness, not because you do good voices or anything, but because one can hear you trying not to laugh (and at times failing) during the recording. :D
I actually saw a real life instance of a fat schlub with an attractive woman (can't say if she was his wife) at a cubs game. The girl was super hot. Even hotter than Marge or Fran. And the guy was really schluby. Every one of my friends at the game was more attractive than him, which is saying a lot. We eventually decided that this cruel injustice against he universe is what lost the Cubs the game. Not even Styx could bring them victory by singing "Take me out to the Ball Game" during the 7th inning stretch.
Finally a sitcom with plenty of gay sexual assault, a sitcom for our generation.
Please. There's no way they'd accept that script. I mean, look: it's got a big ol' coffee stain right on it.
I just wanted to say that I know of a real life instance of fat man/attractive wife. Their called my parents. Not only that but my dad is a dead-ring for Peter Griffin. He's about as smart as Peter too.
My parents as well!!!
~emily, the blogless banana (don't ask)
Oedipus complex, right there.
[whiny-nasal-voice]Ah haaaaaah![/whiny-nasal-voice]
i think i heard something about that, on MAD magazine
haha awesome i'm glad someone else noticed this. i've been thinking about it a lot recently esp. because some of my guy friends can't get girls more attractive than them and it makes them unhappy. Girls generally don't think that it is possible/probable that they will be with someone hotter than them. Also I think the Simpsons is different because it is satire.
without going too deep into the subject, the answer could be really simple.
Men write most of the sitcoms. It's just self indulgent. Not many people have the balls to write their own character (whom may incorparate a bit of themselves, because it's their character) with someone they wouldn't be attracted too.
But, I agree with all the theories above.
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