thanks jeff. now everytime i see some wet fruit i'm going to freak out. the grocery store is about to become the most terrifying place in the world to me.
If the GoI has to be a furry, it might as well be a Macro Herm furry. Not to mention Barely-Legal and a state-certified bartender, pharmacist, realtor, notary public, insurance agent, and casino proprietor. Also, it would have to talk in all caps and use run-on sentences.
I love that the GotI(an acronym AND an amusing pun! ;) is wearing Magneto's helmet in that cool guy's black and white fan art pic. Much love for the geekery, yo =D
Just wondering if your RSS feed is deisgned to work with things other than Atom. I'm attempting to access it via Firefox as a livebookmark and it doesn't seem too interested in actually doing that. Any ideas?
PS The Andrew WK one made me laugh so hurt I hurt. Literally. Severe abdominal pain. In front of the cute girl who showed it to me and now thinks I'm crazy. You cost me women, damn you! :P
Dear sweet jesus... Its real. Hermaphroditic human genitals and all, man. I'm gonna have nightmares until I rip the ethernet card out of my computer and run it over with a steamroller.
thanks jeff. now everytime i see some wet fruit i'm going to freak out.
the grocery store is about to become the most terrifying place in the world to me.
Dude, if you weren't already freaked out by the grocery store then you already gots problems to work out before genitals of inter net gods worry you.
Sleeping with a gun Jeff? Apparently that won't protect you from the g0d of internets' Freddie Krueger abilities...
The Inter Net God is a jerk. Also, it is getting fingerprints all over that compact disc, and is going to completely ruin it.
Silly mortal cowboy-poet, you cannot escape the wrath of Darth ShivaBast Sulu-Croft!
The archives for When I Grow Up are missing. Did the link just break or are they gone forever?
If the GoI has to be a furry, it might as well be a Macro Herm furry. Not to mention Barely-Legal and a state-certified bartender, pharmacist, realtor, notary public, insurance agent, and casino proprietor. Also, it would have to talk in all caps and use run-on sentences.
I love that the GotI(an acronym AND an amusing pun! ;) is wearing Magneto's helmet in that cool guy's black and white fan art pic. Much love for the geekery, yo =D
Oh wow. GoTI is so much hotter without her scary cat-mouth. *envies jeff*
(disclaimer: you probably do not agree with me because your brain is not miswired in the same way as mine)
(that didn't actually disclaim anything, did it?)
I secretly want a GoI t-shirt now. ;)
Who is this Chris G fella, if I may ask? He's a mighty good drawer of pictures, even pictures of the scary, scary GoI.
-- Nato
Hey Jeff,
Just wondering if your RSS feed is deisgned to work with things other than Atom. I'm attempting to access it via Firefox as a livebookmark and it doesn't seem too interested in actually doing that. Any ideas?
PS The Andrew WK one made me laugh so hurt I hurt. Literally. Severe abdominal pain. In front of the cute girl who showed it to me and now thinks I'm crazy. You cost me women, damn you! :P
Dear sweet jesus... Its real. Hermaphroditic human genitals and all, man. I'm gonna have nightmares until I rip the ethernet card out of my computer and run it over with a steamroller.
"Also, it would have to talk in all caps and use run-on sentences."
And have amazing business opportunities in Nigeria.
Mister Chris G's art can be found at
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