Update is a little early today. I was sort of jonesing to get this one out there in the Nets that Inter. I will probably not even go see this movie until next week as I prefer to have plenty of room to thrash about wildly.
Corellian Freighter.
I can't wait. Have to see it as soon as the theatre opens. Looking forward to Jar Jar's death...
I don't quite follow the blocking.
But hurray for radio contests/giveaways.
You have to be careful with them sabers, P. They ain't toys. Jeffrey The Hutt looks terrific, btw.
Yo, did P slice himself or did Jeffrey do him in?
I think it's amazing cool P has a green saber. I think I might be the only one.
"Weedmaster king saul" Vaguest bibical refrence ever, cool!
how could you allow Weedmaster P to be cut in half with a lightsaber?
Yeah it's not entirely clear what happens, is it...
and please don't kill P. he's the only character i can relate to. and why does he get so angry?
not to worry, P - I saw them saw a woman in half on tv once, and she was okay.
Weedmaster P is solid inside, like, like a . . . space potato! SO THAT'S IT! He's a spy from Butter Dimension Quad.
He's right, it looks nothing like Jar Jar.
Actually, he looks like a seasick H. R. Pufnstuf.
Baby is so well drawn in the fourth panel. Poor Baby needs huuugs...
Remember in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back when they went to that movie set and had a fight with bong sabers? Ha ha that was heaps funny.
my housemate wouldn't talk to me because i asked her if obi wan kanobi was harrison ford. dude people get obsessed about these movies... it's like they're buffy or napoleon or something ;)
I am still waiting for light saber nun-chucks to show up in a movie. I figure any jedi that can use them would be at yoda's level. All others that use them would end up hamburger.
comics challenged folks, i am here to help. weed obviously cut hisself in two, trying to ignite his lightsaber while still seated. he has violated the second law of thermojedinamics: make sure your stick is fully withdrawn before touching it off.
Lightsaber self-disembowlment: My Anti-Drug.
Hey Jeff, congratuations on the newest inductee into the Oklahoma Music Hall of Fame, Carrie Underwood.
Who is under my wood right now. BAM
oh man, did weedmaster p activate his lightsaber while holding it backward?
Weedmaster P gets so angry because he's mad at Jeffrey for returning to life. He finally felt like he mattered when Baby-in-mourning started checking him out, but then Jeffrey blew his chance by reanimating.
"Weedmaster P, you're breaking my HEART!"
Poor Baby.
Why is P so angry and negative all the time? Most people I know who toke a lot are much mellower.
King Saul fell on his own sword and died... I'm guessing that's what Jeff was referring to.
Which would mean that Weedmaster P died at his own lightsaber.
no... jeff got mad at P cuz he made baby sad so he cut the weedmastr but then he was shocked at what happened when he was angry.
but yeah woo hoo star wars!
Those bongsabers rocked, man. For serious. I love that movie.
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