
16 May 2005

Forward Slash Got Nuthin'

Make no mistake, I read all the time. I do not know why.

I watched a movie late last night that I thought was perhaps a "Revenge of the Nerds" sequel, but in fact it was a movie called "What in the Bleep do We Know." Do not watch this movie. There are things that are said about quantum physics in this movie that are just completely wrong and the special effects are 3am infomercial-grade.

MMM Also you should get this new Spoon Album because it sounds really good. It has a lot of notes and beats and almost all of them are good.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is one of these wrong things?

16/5/05 15:10  
Blogger jeffrey rowland said...

I can't remember specifically, it was like 3am and I had been working on shipping spreadsheets for like 15 hours prior.

There was something about some sort of incredibly inaccurate explanation of the behavior of electrons in the beginning.

16/5/05 15:20  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, that piece of crap movie came from the cult that lives in my area. It's filled with inaccuracies and outright lies. The worst part is, the college I go to showed it sometime last year as a "treat" for the students without even realizing what it was.

16/5/05 15:22  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We watched that movie in my history class. after it was over, the prof said, "I'm sorry guys. I didn't know that movie was going to be new-age-y bullshit."

It made me really hungry for jujyfruits.

They imply that you get to choose which of the possible quantum mechanical states a particle or system will actually end up being in, which is just outrageously wrong.

16/5/05 15:38  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Super awesome Jeff, maybe you can channel that crazy chick's 35000-year old warrior god too. By the power of Ramtha Topato, I command you to Turn Up The Awesome.


16/5/05 15:52  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have seriously epic taste in music.

16/5/05 16:06  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

baby looks like helen hunt

16/5/05 16:12  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

kanda rules my stereo!!

16/5/05 16:19  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What the beep do we know was filmed like in the town where I live, and I haven't seen it yet, and everyone around me is like "you're such a bad Portlander for not seeing that" and I was like you know what? I don't give a crap about Marlee Matlin finding answers to string theory or whatthefuckever here. I wanna see Portland, I'll look out the window.

16/5/05 16:43  
Blogger Nire said...

That makes me sad, since I just downloaded that movie. So apparently I'm just wasting space on my computer? :-(

16/5/05 17:05  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One wonders about a history professor who shows a movie to his class without examining it himself first. That guy is overpayed.

16/5/05 17:26  
Blogger Unknown said...

Spoon Spoon Spoon. The new album's as good as coconut YooHoo and Country Crock spread with yogurt. Not at the same time. Maybe at the same time.

16/5/05 17:33  
Blogger Unknown said...

J.Ro - haven't seen the flick but I suspect you're right about it; however, if you want to be perceived as an authority on electrons and string theory, don't mention you surf first.

16/5/05 17:55  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My friend took me to that movie and afterward I was making fun of it and she got all mad because she's a Unitarian and it was not fun times.

16/5/05 18:29  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I loved that movie when I saw it in theaters! Of course we were all completely high at the time. I would definately put this on the "Movies to toke to" list.

16/5/05 18:50  
Blogger Joe said...

I am also from Portland, and that movie is pretty much has a cult following around here. I attend Portland State and they brought the director in last year for a Q/A. The physics hippies were like...I loved your movie, pretty much everything in it is taken out of context and breaks all quantum physics laws...but I'm not saying it couldn't happen somehow. We just can't prove any of it at this point in time. Watching that movie makes me so insanely mad that I once thought about tatooing Jeff's name on MY ARM!

16/5/05 19:31  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, I rented that (for free, mind you) the other day, and I couldn't remember who told me to see it so I could slap them. Although, the Robert Palmer scene was amusing...

"I'm almost positive she just lied to me" - My roommate, on Ramtha

16/5/05 20:09  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow this is one of the few instances in which i completely disagree with the overcomensating community. i thought what the bleep was insightful and powerful. i thought it had a message of positivity joy and hope for creating a better self. there may have been some factual errors, but it made me feel good, and i like things that make me feel good.

16/5/05 20:30  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

uh, deirdre - just because something makes you feel good about yourself doesn't automatically make it true.

So here's a little bit of information that might shock and amaze you - Wigu is not true, and Overcompensating is not really the true story of Jeffrey Rowland.

Ok, so while deirdre is out cold, everyone else I want you to re-arrange her furniture, and change some of the appointments on her calendar. Then she'll think she's gone mad, which will be pretty funny.

16/5/05 20:51  
Blogger jeffrey rowland said...

I have to call anonymous out on this one: Wigu and Overcompensating are both basically real-time documentaries.

16/5/05 20:53  
Blogger Leo said...

The truthfullest part is that Fark is really awful and seems to bring out the knucklehead in everyone.

16/5/05 21:13  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Manech aime Mathilde

16/5/05 22:02  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Portland represent!

I liked this part from Wikipedia in regards to What the Bleep do we know:

See also:
Cherry picking (choosing examples selectively)

16/5/05 22:28  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's what I like to hear - Jeffrey speaking out for truth in real-time documentarianism!

16/5/05 23:18  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problem with what the $&%! was of course that because I had never seen the movie before, I sat in the theater for two hours watching a blank screen. Fortunately, as I was walking out of the theater, a wisened indian poked me in the head, suddenly allowing me to remember the movie.

17/5/05 02:12  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's supposed to be a movie, not a documentary, isn't it? Why is everyone treating it as if it was non-fiction? Did you see the The Matrix and then come out complaining that we aren't really all plugged in to computers?

17/5/05 03:37  
Blogger K said...

I found WTBDWK to be at the very least thought provoking. While the quantum physics stuff is over my head, and the dude who was sitting in front of the fireplace struck me as some kind of business-oriented motivational speaker/tool, I do think that there are a few positive things to be said about the movie.

For one, the whole thing about how people get stuck in patterns and get practically addicted to them is reasonable. I liked Matlin's epiphany at the end, where she realizes how silly it is to be yelling at herself in the mirror.

A lot of the movie has to do with your outlook on life. If you are going around all gloomy and man-I-suck, sure you're going to feel downtrodden and sick all the time.

I don't know as I entirely agree with the whole "I picture my day and I make it happen" thing, but I do think that if you go into a day thinking "man today is going to suck I just know it" you are going to view everything through that lens and that negativity is going to ripple out around you.

But yeah, as for the quantum physics bit, I have no idea. Everything I know about that I know from Michael Crichton.

17/5/05 03:57  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoa. Thinking negatively makes you feel bad? People don't like changing their routines? Shit, my grandma's been telling me this stuff since I was ten, I wonder if she's got a degree in quantum physics.

17/5/05 04:20  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I just saw that silly movie as well via netflix. I can't agree more with you. What a waste of time.

"...and the special effects are 3am infomercial-grade."

That should go on the f-ing box!

17/5/05 04:49  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh man, Jeff? The shame. Every time some one goes to, god kills a kitten.

17/5/05 06:30  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every time someone uses that kitten shit within earshot of me I kill them with a machete.

17/5/05 09:18  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every time you kill someone with a machete, god makes a kitten. That's, like, the 19th Law of Thermodynamics, dude. Also, I asked one of the physics guys about this and he said that if string theory is true, we are all completely farked, philosophically speaking. So maybe WIGU is really a documentary and Butter Dimension Quad is only a string away.

17/5/05 09:28  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And speaking of PORTLAND... what's up with The Hunted? He like got from the West Hills to downtown in like two minutes on foot! And, I don't remember clearly, was Multonomah Falls after downtown, like downriver? And the skate park on the West Side? Ah, I'm an angry Sleepless Portlander. GAH!

Hey, did you other Portlanders go to Wordstock? I met Sarah Vowell!!!

17/5/05 11:07  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funnily enough there was an article in the London Times today about this film. It was talking about how worried all these Doctors and Scientists are about the film because it is so misleading. I haven't seen it. Maybe I will.
They mentioned one particular scene where they attached thoughts to water particles or something and the bad thoughts like 'I'm going to eat your face off' were all crazy and chaotic water particles. Thoughts like 'I like your flower' were all peaceful water particles.


17/5/05 11:12  
Blogger Blatherard Osmo said...

Jeffrey, you messed up. The link to TopatoCo on the comics ehn't working.

17/5/05 12:00  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pleasant enough film. New Agey- hippy crap to be filtered, if it's not your thing. Metaphysics and Quantum Physics, kind of slammed together. Not the best thing to try to do, rough shod.

But not a worthless movie, by any stretch.


17/5/05 18:19  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That movie was so fuckin' frustrating in so many ways.
Right off the bat they asserted negative cred with that stupid boat analogy and it just went down hill from there. Worst movie ever. It ruined science for me.

17/5/05 19:00  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crackpots, yes. But also musical dance routine with hypothalamus. You can diss the Hidden Messages in Water all you want, but show some respect for neurotransmitters on the dance floor, eh?

17/5/05 22:32  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh fuck. I must see this movie now. Damn you Jeff.

18/5/05 04:34  
Blogger The Uncanny Christian! said...

I think I just completely lost respect for two of my good friends, who were obsessed with "What the Bleep Do We Know?" All I know, is we spent way too many nights together getting far too high, talking about 4-D space. Damn B.C. bud, it brings out the new-ager in you. I'd rather just listen to music or watch cartoons when I blaze, none of this happy water molecule b.s.

5/7/06 14:24  
Blogger The Uncanny Christian! said...

Oh, and they played What the Bleep at my college too- I smell conspiracy.

5/7/06 14:25  

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