Squirrel Bird

The situation is dire around TopatoCo headquarters. Today the coffee-machine broke so I had to use the electric kettle to boil water and then pour it through a sort of "ghetto coffee-machine" which resulted in a product all the more delicious due to the tender care and scalding pain injuries involved in its creation.
My birthday is next week, perhaps we can somehow exploit that to procure a new coffee-machine.
Update: The coffee-machine has begun to work again.
looks like baby's been using Something About Mary brand hair gel.
Looks more like a tiara or some sort of crown to me...
My birthday is on Thursday and my girlfriend's is on Tuesday.
I say the three of us have a fantastic birthday bash!
mine is in 2.5 weeks. I don't drink coffee or we could swap makers.
The squirrel is cute, but the implications of its actions are dire and frightening. - yggdrasil
This morning when I walked thru the park I saw a squirrel pouring ghetto coffee on his nuts.
Don't knock it, using those drip coffee machines makes generally the worst tasting coffee anyway. Be creative!
I'm guessing that you got the crown as one of the royal presents in KD, and that's why Baby is wearing it.
Do I win a prize?
it's all about coffee shops.
Wait, that's not Princess Dongle?
This has to be one of my favorite OC's. Mega Sweet!
you should get this Make Coffee, Toast and Eggs all in one unit!
it's crazy.
Seriously, my birthday's on Thursday, Jeffrey, if we have the same birthday that would be amazing cool. Otherwise, maybe I could join in the fantastic birthday bash?
The squirrel reminds me a little of Todd =)
May 22? That's the same birthday as my arch-enemy. Are you my Arch Enemy, J-Ro?
At first I thought that the squirrel was stopping the rock's flight with the power of the force, but then I realised he was just making himself hard to hit with pure attitude. It would have been easier to decipher if the two rocks weren't in the approximate same place in both panels.
Matt, my birthday's on Thursday too, I say we have a joint party.
"It would have been easier to decipher if the two rocks weren't in the approximate same place in both panels."
They're two different fricking colors, dude.
My mother was right. All the best people are born in may.
Save those in january.
(Best friend's birthday tomorrow. Then my mother's - and my father's mother's is on Sunday. Weird)
I don't know what you're smoking, Ashley, but all the best people are clearly born in November and October. Jeff's an exception.
ok i'm jumping on the bandwagon. my birthday's may 29th.
hang in there jeff, youve kept me from going crazy for almost a year and a half, if you need some animals killed it will be my honor, or i could just buy you a pizza?
"They're two different fricking colors, dude."
For all I know this comic could be in black and white, though I do note that the second one is a tad darker.
Happy Birthday, Jeff!
I hate to point this out, but, y'know, a squirrel giving us all the bird would be great on a t-shirt...
Ashley, John: All the WORST people are born in February.
I should know, I'm one of them :).
Jeffrey: yes! squirrel-giving-world-finger-t-shirts! p.s. sorry to hear about the cash strappage, am buying my sis a T-shirt once the new items come out.
If I don't get my Pot shirt soon, do I get my money back? :P
I would definately buy one of the Squirrel T-shirts.
Travis, it's a date!
" If I don't get my Pot shirt soon, do I get my money back? :P"
Of course but they are shipping tomorrow. It's been a LOT of work over the past few days.
The rock changed colors. ....it must be a magical cherokee rock.
Clearly he simply missed twice with 2 differnent rocks.
I left the "differnent" in there on purpose. I like the way it sounds.
The difference between the rocks is pretty clear, but I can see how some people might have to spend a couple of seconds deciphering it. More seconds of thought than are desirable.
If I was Jeffrey, I'd be all like, 'Yo,' and 'Hey' and stuff. Can I have hair?
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