Hey You Let's Party Part 2

The preceding is based on an e-exchange between Mr. Wilkes-Krier and myself on his website, awkworld.com (scroll down under the "Ask Andrew a Question" part).
I return for a final trip to Graceland this weekend before setting up camp in the great Northeast in a couple of weeks. I will be without inter nets until Monday. Have a soft, moist weekend.

Sweet dude.
I've met Mr. WK on a few occasions and I can say that dude soothes.
Having him in your brain would be like having a bubble bath and going white water river rafting all at once.
...will the new mansion still be in a swamp? Has this been addressed elsewhere?
You could just buy a regular mansion and then leave the garden hose on so long that a swamp forms around the mansion. I knew a guy who has a friend who did that and it was totally sweet. True story.
MAN! AWK sure has some time on his hands, and certainly is good at making very circuitous answers. Too bad he can't go to the Con. That would be utterly surreal.
I personally dislike A.W.K.
He's invaded 3 different concerts which I was attending for *other* performers.
However, if I were to ever be able to get hold of whatever he was smoking before he answered your question, I would probably smoke myself to death in a single night.
holy crap dude! lmfao!
awk went on one hell of a rant just to answer your question. although one does have to wonder what the other 492 darth's did to piss him off.
holy fucking christ, is he just completely high at all times? or only when he answers reader mail?
i wish i was as drunk as AWK
Is Sherrif Pony like closing his eyes and awaiting the impending cessation of existence, or is he just pissed at you and the Princess?
Dude! The When I Grow Up Archives! Sweet! Bring back Neal! Sweeter!
(I'm the guy who posts occasionally to ask you to bring back Neal)
I've only heard that one fucking "Party Hard" song of his. How does he handle the White Trash Frat Beer Rock to Tangerine Dream with Tim Leary spokenword transition on his records? His response to you is just mind-bogglingly comedic, albeit (perhaps) unintentionally.
So I understand that Wigu can continue under a seperate continuity, but something's amiss - where does this leave Quincy and Romy, who were hot on the heels of Topatco?
I guess we'll find out Monday.
Look at the response to the question above Jeff's- the kid says that his name is Andrew too and that he just had a birthday, and at one point in the response the celebrity Andrew says "happy birthday Jeffrey." He just couldn't get Jeff out of his mind.
Yeah, that's because really Jeff is doing to AWK what he said in the comic AWK was doing to him only he was going "jeffrey jeffrey jeffrey."
Jeff, have you seen The American Astronaut? It also has a soothing song about partying. And one about a girl with a vagina made of glass. No lie.
dude. this one is going on my fridge next to the one about AWK partying in Jeff's fridge. now my fridge is slowly becoming a AWK/Jeff shrine. OH, and i can even spell out AWK in my alphabet letters (a work that has only 1 of each letter in it - YES)
Jeffery, I live in MA too. I would love to hang out with you sometime, or at least get some coffee or whatever. If you're ever in the Cambridge area (I have no idea where Northampton is.) we should hang out.
the fact that comic-jeff and p continue to exist is a hilarious joke. for all the dramatic storyline buildup, and all the pedantic antics of comic culture surrounding that build-up, they (the characters) are as at the mercy of their creator as we are at the mercy of fate. to be or not to be, baby.
Hmmmm...it's about the Dongle.
Would you pass up a chance at ol' Awsomelope?
Worth deleting a worldline to fondle that bum 'as soft as butter' & as 'smooth as cream'?
I yam jealous, of this, you may be assured. :D
Talk about a party. Diff than an AWK party, sure... . But good? :p
Heh heh, Mr. WK's got a link to the "Overcompensating" strip that features him in the fridge.
I once found AWK in my fridge too. The family sure ate well that night.
I listened to parts of the interview AWK has hosted on his website. The way he responded to Jeffery is how he really talks. All of the time.
OMG Jeff does this mean AWK gave you a bonus birthday?!
I have no doubt in my mind that AWK does not do drugs. That's the kind of insanity you get naturally, not the drug-induced kind. A gentler kind of crazy!
I went to AWK's website after reading this strip and watched a few of his videos and played his interview clips. It's really not my kind of music (I mean, REALLY not) - but there's something infectious about his enthusiasm, and the songs ARE catchy, and he really gives it everything, and his comments about life might not win a philosophy essay contest but at the same time they were all true and people like him have so much energy and ability to connect with people that they can end up doing a lot of good in the world. I think Jeffrey has hit it right on the head by portraying him as an angel sent to Earth to teach people how to party. I like him.
hey Jeff man.
I had this Macbeth homework to do and I wanted to make it interesting so I did this
I hope you don't think I'm ripping you off. I thought it'd be cool to do something in your style. hey, tell me what you think statementforyou@aol.com I hope I here from you man.
That is pretty cool man, it is hard to line up drawings with photos and get the angles even close to being right, big ups
This reminds me of a funny incident a few years back in which a secret government mind control experiment tried to hack into my thoughts, not knowing that I contain many contagious memes. Now, in a secret base in Virginia, several underground rooms are filled with men in black who insist they are me, while they still have to call me every so often to get the passwords for the vault of alien technology or the time travel machine. Hacking into someone's thoughts is pretty reckless behavior.
Re Richard:
I *have* seen The American Astronaut, and even though I've heard Andrew WK, whenever he's mentioned in OC I can only hear the "Party" song from that movie in my head.
I guess that says something about me, or him, or it, or somethin'.
Jeffrey Rowland, I protest your disabling of the comments for your next OC episode as unfairly passive-aggressive.
Why not just post comments here?
Why don't you call the wahmbulance?
Okay, so after reading over all the comments for the last 4 comics, I'm thinking maybe I'm to blame for pissing Jeffrey off with the whole Sheriff Pony's nose thing...I'm really sorry if it was me, I didn't mean to upset anyone. I love Wigu and overcompensating, I skipped two days of class three months ago to read the entire archives in one sitting and i obsessively watch for new comics and comments. If you want, I will exile myself from reading your work as punishment. In the words of Royal Tenenbaum, "I've always been considered and asshole, for as long as I can remember. That's just my style."
The American Astronaut sucked balls.
I suspect it was more along the lines of the comment -
''Is it just me or was ending that world-line a pretty lame cop-out? I mean, that's the best you can do to end this big long story with all that build-up?''
Dammit! should read the rest of OC first:S
was saving it for later....
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