
23 May 2005

We Can't Have Nice Things

Well that was a dumb birthday! Thanks to all you inter net friends for helping me have a great e-birthday! Much better than the bio-world birthday. Thank you e-friends!

I thought about getting one of those Sidekicks or Blackberries or a PSP or an iPod or something like that but seriously the more something costs the faster I destroy it. I have this cheap Rio Nitrus MP3 player and I still have it because I hate it. I have a two-year old refurbished Nokia cell phone that talks good and a four-year-old digital camera that takes good pictures. Everything I love that is expensive turns to crap. It's not intentional, it just happens.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I get this job I'm applying for I would get a Blackberry for free. That means I'm that much more likely to destroy it than if I paid for it myself, screwing myself over more because I would need it for work!

What I am saying is that I can't be trusted with things either. -- jessie

23/5/05 17:08  
Blogger Jaron said...

buy a broken iPod for a few dollars, then treat it soooo terribly it turns back to unbroken.

23/5/05 17:22  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seeing Weedmaster P without red eyes is like seeing Jeff without his tattoos.

23/5/05 17:22  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would you fuckers stop noticing P's eyes all the time!!!
It's like... DAMNIT!

23/5/05 17:54  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought something looked weird about P, he looks uber creepy without his red eyes.

23/5/05 18:28  
Blogger jeffrey rowland said...



23/5/05 18:34  
Blogger Cqdy said...

I bet you came up with the idea to shoot the phone while playing shotgun golf.

I miss HST.

23/5/05 19:54  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cell phones are lame. mine only ever goes off when i am in class because i hardly ever get calls so i forget to turn it off but then of corse someone decides to call me when i'm in class. once i moved seats during intermission and my phone went off... it was so loud. i have it set on the loudest setting cuz i never hear it. and then there was the time i brought it with me but forgot and i had voicemail and it just kept on beeping through class. i turned to the girl behind me and said... whoever's phone that is is really obnoxious. cell phones are lame.

23/5/05 20:43  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for the real story on cell phones, deirdre. Even if the truth hurts, it is still the truth. --TH

23/5/05 21:34  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you even have pockets in the second panel?

23/5/05 22:45  
Blogger IT IS ALLY said...

I must say I approve of Jeff and Baby's deckchair. I bet Jeff bought it and Baby hates it.

23/5/05 22:57  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of that panel, I love the way that Jeff seamlessly blended the comic foreground with the photo background. It is really top notch.

23/5/05 23:03  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forgot the ever constant dropping your cellphone in a bowl of cereal while hungover.

Cracklin' Oat Bran is the nemesis of cellphones.

23/5/05 23:05  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

murphy's law rules my life too and it's my birthday tomorrow. weird.

23/5/05 23:09  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Baby's bikini top is about to come off from the middle out.

Jeff you could just get a new Audiovox phone? They're as shitty as a two-year-old refurb Nokia but have fewer features.

24/5/05 01:07  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet that the old Nokia survives the shotgun blast. I remember the first cellphone I ever had, it had been my dad's an he gave it to me when he got a new one, it was an old Nokia (we're talking 1997 here), and that thing was as tough as anything. I don't know how many times I dropped it, and it barely even got scratched.

24/5/05 01:10  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see Weedmaster P made a full recovery.

By the way, is it my imagination or is Wigu rockin' a Chas Tenenbaum tracksuit these days?

24/5/05 08:42  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeff when that pos nitrus starts crashing whenever it trys to play a song, it is not because you broke it. it is because it is crap. just turn it over, and smack it with the palm of your hand as hard as you can. like my women, i try not to hit my electronics, but sometimes it just works.


24/5/05 09:14  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I swear that every portable device I handle somehow manages to turn to a fine powder of nonworkingness. Well, except for Game Boys. Game Boys are freaking indestructible.

I wonder if anyone ever tried to make a suit of armor out of Game Boys. I bet it'd work pretty dang well, better than bubble wrap even.

24/5/05 09:44  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My phone turned into a big robot and started shouting about destroying the world so I had it shut off. BTW don't shoot phones 'cause the batteries are poison. You should shoot Backstreet Boys CDs instead because that cleans up the environment.

24/5/05 10:06  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dropped my new and shiny cell phone in the toilet four days after I bought it.

Then I bought a cheap Qualcomm or something rather that they don't make anymore because it was bought out by Kyocera on Ebay and had it for, like, a year and a half before my contract ran out and I got a new cellphone for free.

24/5/05 10:16  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I stepped on my old cell phone while changing in the locker room. The screen got all cracked. And the new one, exactly the same except for blue and gold, I have dropped it numerous times but it is mostly okay.
My iPod mini is indestricible kinda though. I probably have hurt it lots without realizing, but one time at school i dropped it from my hand to the hard concrete sidewalk (2'6"?). And it just has a tiny scratch thing on the bottom where it fell on to. But besides that it is okey dokey. I have no idea why I am telling you ,but bybeye.

24/5/05 11:36  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I used to have this phone... and i would drop it all the time, and every time i dropped it... you know, the prescribed 2.5 feet from my hand to the ground... it would explode. like it broke into all these pieces and it was like a fun little puzzle to put back together. and one time, i was at best buy, and i went up to the phone counter, and the lady was asking me what kind of phone i have, and i pulled my phone out of my pocket, and dropped it, but my husband swears i threw it at her, and it exploded, and she got really upset. it was awesome. my husband had one just like it, and he washed it in the laundry and the battery quit holding a charge. my sister also had one, because they were our free gift with any purchase of a 2 year family plan... anyway, my sister's just quit working. like.... the microphone quit working... so people would call her, and she could hear them, but they couldn't hear her, so we had to get this secret code, where i would call her and ask a question, and then she would call me back and let it ring a certain number of times for the answer...... cell phones add excitement to our otherwise sad and dull lives.

24/5/05 13:06  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Weedmaster P has learned his lesson, and no longer plays with lightsabers and shotguns while stoned.

24/5/05 14:03  
Blogger two instincts said...

Man, I have that phone. Once I tossed it to someone and it was so heavy that he got hurt and decided to burn the screen with a cigarette.

24/5/05 14:15  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My StarTAC is so old, I see Fox Mulder using it on X-Files reruns.

Thing is, this is my second one. I got it last ear. The old one just plain wore out.

24/5/05 15:14  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I mean year.

24/5/05 15:14  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I Googled 'REAL ITCHY BUTT' I got a link back to this post . . . but I hadn't posted it yet. It's a time-travel paradox. This means that in the future, googling 'real itchy butt' would return this page as the number one hit!
I am SO not using my real name on this one.

24/5/05 15:49  
Blogger Unknown said...

My friend used to have tv shooting parties, back in the day. They'd have a bonfire, some old furniture, wornout tvs and a long extension cord. When the flames got high enough, and the crowd, they'd plug in the old tvs and open fire. "Goodnight John-boy," they'd shout as they volleyed, "Goodnight David, Goodnight Chet." BLAM! They'd throw the bottle caps in the fire, too. Weedmaster P would have fit right in.

24/5/05 16:30  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, that is some seriously f##ed up stuff. You should shoot CDs instead of tvs, because you can throw CDs like clay pigeons and when you shoot them you are getting rid of music you hate seriously, while tvs are just trying to find their sexual identity in a cold cruel world that makes fun of them. Wait a minute - what? Not transvestites? Televisions? Oops.

Never mind!

24/5/05 16:39  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you know how many people pronounce Nokia as "Mokia" or "Nok-i-oya"? Its "NO-KEY-AH," people!

I hear they've got this great new learning tool called Hooked on Phoenics. I suggest everyone who can't pronounce Nokia correctly check it out.

24/5/05 17:43  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just can't get over how freaking aweXome panel 3 is. I really really really like that panel! It's become an unhealthy obsession.

24/5/05 18:26  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uh yeah. I was hooked on Phoenix for a while but I kicked it clean.

I saw a Nokia executive on television and he pronounced it KNOCK-ee-yah. Those crazy Finns...can't even pronounce the name of their own company right.

24/5/05 23:09  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All these posts about dropping the phone in the toilet... here's a thought: stop talking on the phone when you're taking a leak.

24/5/05 23:10  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I seem to take fair care of most things, if I don't lose them first. People make fun of me because I leave my Jukebox on the floor in a mess, but I have a handle on things.

25/5/05 00:37  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I second Gleemonex's comment about the fantastic blending on panel 2.

25/5/05 02:30  
Blogger Jed said...

my birthday kicked your birthday's ass, FROM ONE DAY IN THE FUTURE. most of it was spent in a tattoo shop and then a gay bar.

25/5/05 15:42  

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