Unsafe Working Conditions

Some of you may wonder how I manage to update this blog while I am involved in a standoff with a character I created. The answer may surprise you.
I've added a cast page to OC for the untold legions of uninitiated.

As a closet comic book geek, I would just like to say that I applaud your choice of crossover titles. Much better than WeedmasterP-slaught or Maximum Topato.
Wait, isn't this "Secret Wars"? What am I reading?
From Jeff's point of view, his shirt reads "pig".
All the characters I love have come to conflict. No good can come of this. Sob. Cry.
Hey, where's Paisley?
Am I the only one that wants to see Jeff shoot Quincy?
It's not that I want Quincy to die necessarily, it's just that the shock factor of seeing it happen would be uber powerful.
When Topatoco© fires an employee, they use REAL FIRE.
J.Ro is fighting for the rights of big corporations to give little kids drugs. It's like he's the president of the whole USA, not just TopatoCo.
. . . wait, did I post that or just think it out loud?
Um, Jeff, you know I love this comic, but on the Wigu page, you have that little menu of "erstwhile fascinations," and I don't want to bring it up, but I'm not sure it means what you think it means.
I know you have the power to destroy me and all, but I thought you should know.
I err uhh I meant to do that
jeffrey will shoot quincy in the goddamn head because it's either that or he can legally no longer put ornate mansion backgrounds into his comics... because he will be living on the street
If jeff Gets fired I will be more than happy to take up his job
i read the cast and it seems the only reason Baby would hang out w/ Jeff is that Jeff is a BILLIONAIRE!
I don't want to be a dick about this, but about the “characters” page: grammatically speaking, it ought to be, "until one of them is dead." You currently use "are" instead of "is".
Again, not to be a dick, because I love your work and all, but it's just like nails on a chalkboard to me, and I can't be the only one. Am I right, guys? Come on...
Wow, this has made my day complete, as I sit here waiting in LAX for 9 hours, my favorite webcomic-erist has engaged in a battle to the death with one of his own characters. Which will last longer, my sanity or quincy? I don't like my chances...
Whatever happens it cannot be as bad as coming from the same state as ...American Idol 2005!
You killing your own character, how symbolic... no matter what happens one comic HAS to end, unless everyone lives which would also be good
Damn, one of three comics has to end (or end again, but this time with killing!), unless everyone survives, which is still good
In Wigu, Topato's suit disappeared and now it's back. And then there was Quincy's shirt disappearing.
I think there's some variant of The Nude Bomb at work.
all right i admit it... i am joining the legions of corny/geeky girls in love with jeff (or jeff's avatar)
when i read quincy's lines, i always hear frylock's voice in my head....i think quincy sounds like a giant potato product
Is there an RSS/Atom/whatever feed for Wigu?
It looks like Quincy is peeing in Panel 4, because of Weedmaster P's hair.
I just wanna see "baby" naked
What happened to Topato's poison? It worked just fine in this dimension previously! [/geek]
No it didn't. Pay attention.
My crude, projectile-firing device is also made out of poison.
"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn."
1°- everybody makes peace, and in order to obtain it they make Wigu get back to his toys and cartoons ?
2°- Jeff decides to go against Topato, and Topato really puts him on fire (as in "fires" him) and puts Quincy in charge of topatoco - which means Wigu comic becomes a musical and you fleshy Jeff Rowland have to endure that?
3°- Scenario 2 midlair - Sherrif Pony poops all over and puts out Jeff's fire. They all agree to kill Topato and keep Sherrif Pony in this dimension, they all get into ice-cream business. Sanitary inspection discovers uranium traces in Wigunugget, and Quincy and Jeff have to kill all the department?
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