The Wall

There are lots of reasons not to build a giant wall along the border of Mexico. Let's help Mexico be a better place to live. Attention Mexicans! America will destroy your culture! Another reason is the inability to escape America when it finally hits the fan. Are we building a wall... or a prison?
Now I'm no prophet, but I can tell you what's going to happen in the future with intense certainty, and I can almost guarantee you something bad is going to happen. You may recall the vision of my future self Kerry Edwards, which is the name I change my name to so I can save money on bumper stickers. You should never start going back in time and fixing things you think you did wrong.
Okay I talked to the printer and the Missile Crisis books will be here on Thursday! I can't wait to get these things into your hands. Hopefully the next one will be a lot quicker.
I am discontinuing the Whitey and Complaints t-shirts on Friday, so now is the time to snag them up. I am working on classier, more thinly-veiled liberal propaganda. Until tomorrow, enjoy Cat and Girl! TopatoCo will be doing shipping for Cat and Girl in the very near future.

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