An Unreasonable Request

The Poopmonster and I have begun preparations for the arrival of The Englishman. After several days of our annual audit we're off to Mocca to join up with our other Dumbrella bretheren to form a sort of Voltron that is made of duct tape and Real Dolls. If you enjoy awkward moments with awkward people and live near NYC, it is your gosh-darned birthday.

We can sue The Englishman for interfering with our GOD-GIVEN right as AMERICANS to sue folks, correct? He's loaded, right?
Readers, you cannot imagine the true horror of these fellows' lives. This "Overcompensating" comic completely candycoats a ghastly reality. I am a lone voice of sanity and some reason, Jeff resents this and portrays me as a megalomaniac. Maybe if he could stop filing frivolous lawsuits for five minutes, he'd realise that I'm just trying to help.
An Englishman coming to the US during WORLD CUP! Preposterous!!
We fought a war in which thousands of us died to make sure we didn't need to listen to snooty English types. If you want subservience, spend a few weeks in our cousin's back yard. Just keep walking north.
What if it is actually my real birthday?
The Englishman is a foul demon who wants to get rid of our values as GOD FEARING AMERICANS.
I think it is actually a particle of his tie. Although I urge you, Mister Rowland, to refrain from the cancer sticks.
Mmmm. Cancer sticks. English cancer sticks.
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