Learning About Facts

I've been alive a little while and I have learned some things in that time. Mostly basic things like "pain hurts" and "it feels good when someone scratches my back." These are truths in life!
Thank you everyone who has been linking to Overcompensating so far! Like Sam Logan, he's a good chap.
My, I have to say that is a sexy Sheriff Pony tattoo you are sporting there. Rrowr!
Love your posts! You make me laugh.
That comic makes me want to take a nice big whiff of pepper spray. Hey, if it's good enough for a yeti (which is a wookie that's stranded on earth,) it should be good enough for me too.
I just thought I would be a pathological liar if i did not write a little note mentioning that that there sasquatch is perhaps the happiest sasquatch i could have imagined there being.
I particularly like your depiction of the effect of gravity on the moustache in the third panel. Nice attention to detail.
I have been reading this comic every day (right after I read Wigu) and it has been making me happy. Keep up the good work!
I've read Wigu since it started and kind of enjoyed it, but this blog makes me laugh. Keep it up.
When u sledgehammer ur way into a bldg, go via the roof -- it's usually weaker than the walls
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