I think this would make a great movie plot actually! Think about it -- Two childhood friends, a New York hairstylist and a would-be musician, get caught up with the mob and are forced to deliver $50,000 to Australia, but things go haywire when the money is lost to a wild kangaroo.
Yay! You have a sword. You officially rule now.
Sounds familiar. Which also sounded pretty familiar.
Be sure to talk like Michael Caine and get Sub Girl and Jet Girl's help.
But they totally changed it. The 2002 bi-annual spelling congress overturned the preceding rule.
If someone doesn't abide by the congress's decision, then their license will be revoked.
There are no more wild kangaroos. We were forced to domesticate them all to work in the lamington mines
Wow, _the_ Jeff Rowland is coming to my country! If the warm weather and beaches are too much for you, come to Melbourne, we don't have any of that.
I never saw it, but I have to imagine Kangaroo Jack would have been 10 times better if someone used a shotgun and a sword. And Jeff in it would have gotten it the friggin' Oscar.
I'm no stickler, but for your own information the rule regarding plurals that already end in "s" has changed. Now, to avoid confusion, it is always apostrophe "s," and never just apostrophe.Actually, you are slightly confused: Those are not the rules for plural possessives; they are, however, the 1987 Edition Revised International Rules for Full-Contact Jenga!, as approved by the Federation Internationalle Des Autruches Du Jenga. They were first used competitively at the 1989 Coup du Jenga Tournament in Marseilles. There were 29 fatalities.
Bob... Spice Girls? Why?
My uncle lost an eye in that tournament, we had to put him down. When you get to Austalia be sure to try some Australian cuisine, like Chinese food, or Mexican, American, or even Japanese. Yep, nothing like Australian food.
Tonight's the night we make history...
Honey, you and I.
Australia is going to be way better with you in it. Have a great trip and pet a koala for all of us.
Pension off the apostrophe, they didn't seem to need it in the 15th and 16th centuries and from what I've read in the last few decades, writing hasn't exactly been an upwardly evolving art.
But "Oh noes!" you cry, "How will mah homiez tel if i m usin teh plurals or possessions form?"
"Context!" cry the gods of language. And that is that, my friends.
Also, "boss's" would have the huge taboo of three of the same letter in a row. But in this case, you can also tell the singular vs. the plural because it's the singular form of the word.
Boss' = singular possessive
Bosses' = plural possessive
The reason the plural possessive puts the ' after the s is because the plural form of a word already ends in s.
Also, most English rules are just rules of thumb, not hard-and-fast, what with English being a pretty freakish conglomeration of lots of different languages. I mean, each languages' rules are different, and so this language's rules are kind of spotty at best to begin with.
Also, don't forget that 's can also be the contraction form of "is" or "has," e.g. "The cat's out of the bag" or "The cat's got a new little mouse friend." And don't even get me started on pronouns.
Jenga!Ouch! Aw crap, my eye! Damn!
People, please. Let it go and just enjoy the comic, ok?
But if we decline our nouns, all we will be able to accept are verbs and adjectives and the like. But we won't know that, because "verb" and "adjective" are both nouns.
The next person to talk about nouns, verbs or freaking adjectives (or adverbs or pronouns or conjunctions or interjections) will get a brand new spanking free of charge castoration (if you are a man)
If you are a woman, we will merely force your face down a garborator.
That is right!
Free of charge. Can you believe it?
Order Now and you will also get the frontal lobotomy at half price.
Thats a 3000 dollar value, just for being a retard and talking about grammar on a comic blog site.
Jeff should totally go ninja by the way, I think they should add him to mortal combat. He would be the best handlebar mustached fighter ever. (exept for all those asian dudes who actually know how to fight.)
I assume I am the only one that had to read that twice before I realised it didn't say raping Kangaroo.
I'm not sure if this says something about Jeff - in that I consider that to have been a reasonable thing to have written - or something about me, in that it didn't jump out at me as being obviously TOO FUCKING WEIRD until I read it through the second time.
my favorite review of this comic
A Kangaroo once stole my briefcase, by the time I realised he'd changed he locks on my house and taken my job and my girlfriend.
You just have to be carefull.
And here in Darwin (NT Australia) you have to make sure not to tell anyone incase Paul Hogan makes a movie about it.
Man, the last time a kangaroo broke into my house, he took every last thing I owned, and replaced it with an identical duplicate.
Michael Caine is pretty cool. I liked it when he used to place ads in local papers for people who needed to be saved from the evil machinations of multi-national corporations... and kangaroos.
That was a cool thing for Micheal Caine to do.
Michael Caine?!?!? Silly people, that's a Kangaroo ploy if I've ever heard of one.
I bet no one ever heard from anyone who answered the ads ever again.
You don't think the same guy who was in "Alfie" won the best supporting actor years later do you?
All a Kangaroo plot.
Six White Boomers, Snow White Boomers
Racing Santa Claus through the Blazing Sun
Six White...
On Santa's Australian Run...
Micheal Caine used to drive around in this sweet Jaguar and answer the voice-mails left on a non-tracable phone line from people who were being exploited by the man. Then he and his squad of ex-MI5/CIA/Interpol/Salvation Army/DOT dudes would shoot and blow up things that were important to the multi-national corporations thus saving the poor exploited people who answered his ad in the local paper and sending the message to said companies of "F OFF, MAN! WE'RE NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANY MORE."
Actually, now that you mention it I think there was a kangaroo that was part of his squad. Hmmm...
Terribly sorry, but "The Equalizer?" Not sure what you are referring to but it sounds like the name of some cheezy '80's television show with a Micheal Caine wannabe. My references were to the REAL Micheal Caine and his selfless exercises in stomping out the exploitation of the little people by the likes of demonic corporate boards of governance and nasty CFO's who think that by jacking up the rent on tenements in suburban Cleveland or Scranton they can improve their stock performance.
There was a point when life was much more simple.
I'm glad SOMEONE finally got the Tank Girl reference.
How about a new comic?
Aww, who needs a new comic when you have a sprawling message board of a comment section?
"I'm no stickler, but for your own information"
You're right, you aren't a stickler, you're a JERKHow nice of you all to HELP poor stupid savage Jeff, who can't even get up in the morning, I think maybe he is functionally retarded. He can't talk, he can't walk, heey! He sure can make that there inter-web cartoon you all dang enjoy so much!
I think Jeff beat up people like you in high school. That's my theory. My other theory is that no one--no one--cares what you think, not even your mother. You are not a unique and precious snowflake.
Michael Caine is a precious snowflake.
I thought there was' some rule about the use of the apostrophe during the third of the non-leap-months' ending in "y" after a leap-month where each word ending with "s" was' supposed to be apostrophized. Plus' the ass' on that stewardess' is' hella boss'.
Wouldn't a huge case of kangaroo repellant make it hard to get close to the kangaroo and take back the money?
Yeah, I know. I can't watch cartoons either.
my life is hell without you, oh overcompensating! please return!
Oh, yes. It is hard to compensate.
Jeff might be astunnededed, by the Wonders of his Travels. ...& the Water?...& the Water? It might have Stoned him to his Soul...or sumpin?
I was really shocked until I read 'rapping' correctly.
I guess with so many them around, "Mike" is a good codename.
-- GP(MPK)
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