Hitchhiker's Guide to the Middle of Nowhere

I always thought it would be neat to go hitch-hiking as long as you didn't have to talk to whoever picked you up. I would just sit silently in the passenger seat and look directly ahead. I think it would be best to make up some sort of business card to hand to the driver saying you are a deaf-mute. This would enable you to ride for hours in this silent manner.
Calling Overcompensating "the OC" is brilliant.
And I'm glad you've learned a life lesson that I'm still busy learning.
I've often thought the same thing about hitch-hiking. This has probably been borne from the deep conviction that interesting and groovy people are unlikely to want to pick up stray vagrants too tight to put their hand in their pockets for a bus/taxi/train fare.
I have a deep suspicion that only fat, sweaty, balding (and possibly sexually deviant) truckers are the main 'picker-uppers' of people, and they have nothing left in their life to do but talk shit about their dull as fuck existence.
In that situation, I'd rather walk. But I'm a miserable fecker at the best of times. I don't talk to people in case they might turn out to be miserable. Passing the time of day with someone is only interesting if you give two steaming shits about how their day went, I guess.
Ooooh. That dragged on, didn't it? Nearly turned into a rant, too. Lucky I headed that one of at the past. Long comments are SO dull.
"I thought what I'd do was I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes"
A simple scarf and snow hat can give your JR a festive feel in this holiday season, but please, never try and put a shirt on him for your own good.
A simple scarf and snow hat can give your JR a festive feel in this holiday season, but please, never try and put a shirt on him for your own good.
I think I overheard the vagrant saying, "ThE mAsTeR wIlL nOt bE aMuSeD..."
I like to think you gave the vagrant that case of pink eye he has shortly before herding him out the car.
This means my entire philosophy on life is flawed!
Do you really have a Sheriff Pony tattoo?
Is that an orgy I see in the background?
Just start usin' some crazy sign language. If you start dancing like an Egyptian while making a gesture like a fish trying to pucker up its mouth, I'm pretty sure people will assume you're both deaf and dumb.
Heh - I'm liking the sexy necklace.
And apparently, McCloud likes the strip :D good job.
"I have a deep suspicion that only fat, sweaty, balding (and possibly sexually deviant) truckers are the main 'picker-uppers' of people." Not true in my experience. Most of my rides have always been from sympathetic folks who used to hitchike themselves, and they generally have a lot of great adventure stories. John Stephens
i used to hitch-hike when i was poor. i once hitch-hiked from calgary to kenora (around 1000 miles). now that i have a car my fiancee and i pick up hitch-hikers all the time with no problems. and i don't expect anyone to talk to me, sometimes i turn up the music so i don't have to listen to hitch-hikers tell their travelling stories because they usually suck anyways.
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