Chewbacca Fantasies

The Polyphonic Spree's Holiday Extravaganza was ten kinds of a good time. Also, a shout out to the Hyatt Regency and Jake at Tigger's. And to the crew from OG mart, whom seeing at Dealey Plaza was the weirdest thing that ever happened.
If you could remake all 3 of the original episodes like this, I'd be there with my tickets, popcorn, and sweaty nerds.
Our Standards and Practices department pulled that comic due to excessive cussery.
Seeing this makes me want to go watch that Star Wars holiday special all over again.
Happy Life Day, indeed.
Way to not-embarrass-yourself-trying-to-draw-Chewbacca-differently-than-Bigfoot-two-strips-ago, dude!
It's like one of those Choose Your Own Adventure stories.
Only with less choice and more! adventure!
I never even SAW the lost Weedmaster P comic. Feels like I've missed my birthday or summat...
Jeff is the Han Solo who published instead of smuggle, safe but sans gay robots, they can put a man on the moon...
I thought Overcompensating was just one huge ADULT section.
Do we still hate Hollywood Video?
dude, speaking of hollywood video... i just got this thing from them... a legal notice regarding a class action lawsuit against them over late charges and overcharging for lost or damaged videos!!
if you take part in the claim, they give you 6 free rentals. not as good as cash, but hey, free rentals.
Jeffery Rowland has standards?! Perish the thought.
Note to first Anonymous poster - if you have sweaty nerds, I recommend talcum.
Missing out on a OC featuring Weedmaster P. makes me angrier then taking steriods and meth while listening to talk radio on a monday morning commute.
I was dining in a Waffle House tonight, and that Angry American song started blaring from the jukebox. After listening for a few minutes, I turned to my companion and said, "Hearing this song in the Waffle House is like watching God make love to a star."
So, since it's already being quoted, I think that phrase has officially entered the saying lexicon.
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