
26 January 2005

Corn Dogs

I there to witness the birth of the latest Scary Go Round. It was much like witnessing the birth of a human person! Wet, people in masks standing around, a woman lying on a bed screaming, the whole shebang.

Another reminder - NYU Kimmel Center, next Tuesday, 6:00 PM. I would say be there or be square, but being there kind of involves being square in the first place.

If you don't listen to Nina Gordon's cover of "Straight Outta Compton" then I really don't know what to do with you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just read that upside down and backwards. Now that was cool... like a Bizarro universe and Jeff is actually the Bizarro Jeff with a Bizarro corn dog.

26/1/05 19:59  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh internet, what DON'T you know?

26/1/05 22:50  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

who is Nina Gordon?

27/1/05 08:30  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

O internet, how long before we see a stylish "Corndogs; Linked to IMMORTALITY" t-shirt?

27/1/05 10:11  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone wants a shirt of everything.

27/1/05 10:39  
Blogger Wooly Rupert said...

I listened to it. So what will you do with me?

27/1/05 10:48  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Immortality is a scary concept. It was right of Jeff to drop the corndog--which, as I understand it, fell into the lap of a morbidly obese, acne-ridden middleschooler.

That child's eternal suffering is the real punchline.

-- CD

27/1/05 12:57  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the Ramones.

27/1/05 16:59  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nina Gordon is the half of Veruca Salt that didn't put on weight and bad shows after they broke up.

8/2/05 13:51  

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