Enchanted Delight

Don't drink and drive, seriously. Actually, come to think of it, don't even drive. It's just too dangerous out there. Just sit inside and eat organically-grown food and pay careful attention to the labels and do everything like you're supposed to, to make sure you live to be extremely old, because apparently that's what it's all about.
More info about NYU deal here.
Science Cop is alive!
I'm pretty sure - I think that something like that exists
Yep, driving and driking is NOT a good mix.
Keep drawing! :o)
I'm not as think as you drunk I am.
Of course I can drive, offissssher.
They misunderestimated me.
wish my TA had had enchanted delight for breakfast.
So Science Cop has a side job developing beer? What an awesome guy.
Woohoo! I was just wondering, is it okay to have a beer before driving? Now that I see real people in my favorite web-comic doing it I know IT'S TOTALLY OKAY TO DRINK AND DRIVE!!!
I'm going to shotgun a few foamers then head downtown in front of that crowded theatre. This is sooo awesome!
Thanks Jeff!
Anything brewed by Science Cop is too good to pass up, even at eight in the morning. Kudos to both SC and JR(RT)!
P.S. The R. T. stands for Raging Tentacles.
reminds me how zima had to change formula because the original zima wasn't showing up on breathalizers
This is eerily reminiscent of Saturday Night Live's AM Ale, but with Science Cop's endorsement Enchanted Delight is obviously the superior product.
It's our duty as red-blooded Americans to only have fun at the expense of our internal organs and sometimes bones.
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