
22 February 2005


I finally played Resident Evil 4 for about 15 hours straight on Sunday. I didn't finish it, but I will someday. I am not a bad enough dude to save the President's daughter.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

For being high all the time, Weedmaster P has quite the taste for interior decorating.

22/2/05 14:26  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That cat looks totally radioactive. I love it.

22/2/05 15:25  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh man, for referencing Bad Dudes... there's no ninjas, though! Or maybe I'm just not far enough into the game.

22/2/05 15:26  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well duh Weedmaster P. In Mario you eat MUSHROOMS to gain POWERS. Not to mention you also become a racoon by eating a green leaf. Duhhh. All of Mario itself is infested with drug innuendo. I'm so glad someone else sees this as well. Mmmm drugs.

22/2/05 15:54  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo, Jeff, I am so witchu on the RE4 train. Woo-woo! I have devoted at least 80 hours between two seperate run-throughs and am just now getting towards the end. I almost messed my pants in the hedgemaze. Watch out for regenerators.

Mwa ha ha ha ha.

22/2/05 16:06  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wait, the Hunter S. Thompson thing. you guys aren't being dicks about it are you? Cause that would be fucked up. He was a great Writer.

jonny L.

22/2/05 16:29  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every time I see Weedmaster P I am reminded of my roommate. It's sort of freaky - he's got the messy blond hair and the glazed eyes and everything.

Also: if you make a shirt with the Drunken Cat on it I will buy it and wear it with pride. Please do so.

22/2/05 17:57  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Weedmaster P is voiced by the same talent behind the Mysterious Blue Orb of Power under the Tinkles' lawn, right? In a way... it makes sense.

22/2/05 20:32  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is sooo disappointing:'m+Feeling+Lucky&q=Interwebs,+entertain+me

I expect better than this when I ask for the Interwebs to entertain me.

22/2/05 20:33  
Blogger jeffrey rowland said...

VICTORY IS MINE, inter nets!

check out #4, baby. Yeah! WOO!

22/2/05 22:49  
Blogger jeffrey rowland said...

Wow, #3 already! Maybe we can get it to #1!

Google result for Horse Erection

22/2/05 22:52  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is one hell of a referral.

Horse erection!

22/2/05 23:52  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the hell?
i'm wondering . . . was is just a coincidence that you found that? were you looking for farm-animal pornography when you stumbled upon overcompensating?
on second though, forget it. i don't want to know. how you spend your tuesday nights is none of my business.

23/2/05 01:06  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Weedmaster P looks a lot like what I once thought my mother looked like.
Are you STROKING that cat? If so, that cat now represents my ego and a horse-drawn carriage. Mating.

23/2/05 01:14  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm so bored with the zombies already. stop with the continuity.

23/2/05 01:29  
Blogger jeffrey rowland said...


working on a cure

23/2/05 01:59  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't play RE4 for more than 2 hours at a time and I can't play it alone... I'm such a punk.

23/2/05 02:09  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God, Shut up, plotlessviolence. Just. Shut up. SHUT UP. It's not even funny or witty.

It's lame!

23/2/05 03:10  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, I take that back, that was pretty funny.

Silent Hill 4 will make you crap your pants. I had to return it to Blockbuster because I couldn't play for more than half an hour.

23/2/05 03:45  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw Satan in Resident Evil 4 and it's called a Regenerator and it bit my neck off and I cried.

23/2/05 04:03  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FPSs are kinda bad. This being the interweb, im prolly going to get in trouble for this, but I hate HalfLife, Counterstrike, Halo, etc. The only FPS I liked was Goldeneye. Yeah! If they made Resi into a FPS, id cry. In fact, they did. and I did cry.

23/2/05 07:56  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice hands-free kit

23/2/05 10:10  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe you guys are comparing Resident Evil to Half-Life... how about Soul Calibur to Final Fantasy? Or fucking Tetris? You guys are too much.

And I really think RE4's controls really do help a lot, like PlotlessViolence said, they've been absolutely horrendous in the past. But now with RE4 they're just right so you feel like you can maneuver and handle "normal" situations, I mean you even get a sniper rifle, which makes you feel a bit more in control of things, but at the same time, it's not easy (though it is very possible with practice) to get headshot after headshot... and even when you're able to, that's not always the best way to kill your enemy, which I think is what the creepiness of RE4 is all about. You get the badass weaponry and a somewhat (and rightly so) difficult aiming mechanic, mixed with the supernatural qualities of your enemies that freak you out that make the experience a whole lot more frightening because, face it, even if you are a badass special agent, just mowing through hordes of supernatural enemies is kind of unrealistic, if I dare use that word when talking about video games.

23/2/05 12:58  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is rediculous. Stop being nerds. Let Jeff enjoy RE4. Hey, it's not as if playing a game is a SUBJECTIVE EXPERIENCE or anything, right?

23/2/05 13:35  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just like you "tried" to draw appealing pictures but failed in that department too?

Just sayin' you know.

23/2/05 13:36  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am actually a complete and utter douche bag.

23/2/05 14:34  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This really is a case of preference. Plotless likes a more fast paced experience, Jeff likes suspensful down -time. Nothing wrong with either. Why the criticism? Why call Plotless retarded? Doesn't solve or prove anything, just makes him mad? Why try to ruin RE:4 for Jeff? Doesn't make sense either.

RE:4 was NEVER intended as an FPS. Comparing it to such is irrelevant. You can basically make all of the same claims comparing horror movies to action movies (Horror movies have silent down time, suspensful cuts etc.) which ALSO doesn't make sense. You see (play) these genres for different reasons. I don't feel ripped off by a lack of music when playing RE:4 because it's tastfully done. Also, in terms of raw violence, and your action fill, my final kill count was well over 800. If simulating murder 800 times doesn't do it for you anymore... well.. I really don't know what to say.

23/2/05 14:38  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cool pic.

23/2/05 15:03  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do you mean there are no ninjas in Bad Dudes?
You get attacked by a ninja, like, 5 seconds into the game.

23/2/05 17:11  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(off the current RE subject...)I like how you taped the phone to your head to keep it in place.


23/2/05 20:35  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the RE series. My biggest problem with the game was not the ridiculous keyhunts or the tank-like controls. It was perfectly acceptable for the insance police cheif to hide the only car battery in town in the back of a revolving statue. I got over those really quickly, I actually thought the controls were tight and responsive.

The problem was the ridiculous physics the game asked me to digest. Like when a desk was locked, I would have to produce a little key to get to the first-aid spray or whatever. Then my precious little key would dissolve or something, cause I couldn't use it anymore. The game didn't let me shoot or kick weak-looking doors open.

I'm glad RE4 fixed that. When you have to produce a key to open something, the door is like 6 feet thick. when a door is closed with a little padlock, you are allowed to just shoot the dang thing off.

Comparing RE to FPS is useless. It is like hating poched salmon for tasting nothing like bean burritos. Oh, and Devil May Cry was a beat-em-up, like Final Fight.

24/2/05 11:36  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the RE series. My biggest problem with the game was not the ridiculous keyhunts or the tank-like controls. It was perfectly acceptable for the insance police cheif to hide the only car battery in town in the back of a revolving statue. I got over those really quickly, I actually thought the controls were tight and responsive.

The problem was the ridiculous physics the game asked me to digest. Like when a desk was locked, I would have to produce a little key to get to the first-aid spray or whatever. Then my precious little key would dissolve or something, cause I couldn't use it anymore. The game didn't let me shoot or kick weak-looking doors open.

I'm glad RE4 fixed that. When you have to produce a key to open something, the door is like 6 feet thick. when a door is closed with a little padlock, you are allowed to just shoot the dang thing off.

Comparing RE to FPS is useless. It is like hating poched salmon for tasting nothing like bean burritos. Oh, and Devil May Cry was a beat-em-up, like Final Fight.

24/2/05 11:54  
Blogger jeffrey rowland said...

This inter net page is now the #1 Google search result for "horse erection."

26/2/05 04:35  
Blogger Anonymous said...

Now with the proliferation of Viagra and whatnot, it's down to the #9 link.

8/10/06 12:34  

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