Supply and Demand

Of course I got this idea from the Rilo Kiley song "Go Ahead" (which is off "Takeoffs and Landings" not the new one "More Adventurous" which is cool you know) where she says "if you wanna have your cake and eat it too, and if you wanna have other people watch you while you eat it." It's only a slight improvement to have people pay to watch you eat.
The Overcompensating T-shirts are still available!
Also blogger has been acting like crap lately, loading for half an hour and double posting and what not. Sorry about this.
I'd just like to say that todays Magical Adventurs is pretty much the best one evar. Topato in a suite + XD on the Glee Bomb = Happy Warm Feeling in Me.
If you want better things, I want you to have them.
Take-offs and Landings: a fine album, indeed. You are an outstanding source of disseminated indie rock awesome.
Money doesn't taste very good, I don't know why someone would stand around and watch you eat it...also, with too many repeat performances, you'd be broke!
...I don't get it...
i am going to buy a shirt. i just need to write a paper and take a final first. priorities.
bevans: it is because the woman was obviously laughing at the ridiculously low price of $5 to watch Jeffrey eat. Since it is not a joke to watch Jeffrey eat, he increased the price to a more serious offer.
...but it's funny anyway. :)
Jeff you have made my day with your Rilo Kiley laced comic. Thank you you frug dancing fool.
Obviously the Redhead fancies Jeff and is considering paying the fee to watch him eat. Knowing this Jeff increases his price. What Redhead doesn't is that some time very soon Baby is going to tear hear several new ones.
i liked the amusing chemists gag in yesterday's magical adventures in space. actually on first read i thought it said "metastable".
Wait, this joke isn't dirty is it?
Hopefully not.
IN any other case... what DID happen to science cop and american platypus? Or did jeff just use those as transitions to Magical Adventures in space. In any case I am loving magical adventures in space, it just feels like wigu again, which is nice.
I also think it is clever the way jeff turned the comic into a link to buy his merchandise.... clever corporate jeff, it seems you have learned something from having George live on the ranch beside you.
I also plan to buy your new shirts, after I get my money from ^^
There is a suspicious amount of redheads popping up of late.
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