I wonder if Happy Gilmore really is related to that lady from Gilmore Girls? Anyway I always wanted to do a lightsabers comic. Excuse me, "laser swords." I apologize Herr Lucas.
I've really gotta stop doing these OCs that take all day long and have like 50 pop culture references.
Nice touch with the "Vote for Pedro" style t-shirts.
Please tell me Weemaster P's shirt is one that will be available for purchase.
The timed released capsule of the OC is supposed to make it take all day.
i think maybe if he's related to one gilmore girl he's related to the others!
that is my belief!
Senor Penis?
Is Weedmaster's handle...Penis?
Well, I did think the "P" was maybe Peter...
No wonder he goes with P.
50 references? let's see... the lightsabers, the red track suits, whatever jeff is holding i'm not sure what it is, the 'holla,' weedmaster p's 8th grade skater punk language, weedmaster p's 8th grade skater punk sweatshirt, the t-shirts, the backwards flip thing, the adam sandler movies, the gilmore girls, those glasses with the frames...damn 50's isn't that much of an overstatement.
Best. OC. Evar.
Hey thats my livingroom.
Hmm, two new OC shirts set to be released, two strangely catchy shirts in today's strip...
I already ordered my ODB shirt, if there is a "Vote for Weedmaster P" shirt I will wish I had waited in order to combine shipping... but I can hardly complain about the prospect of new merchandise. -- jessie
an improvement on the "vote for pedro" shirt idea. modern entertainment is all about pop culture allusions. a la the simpsons. you rock jeff.
You put in a Gilmore Girls reference. Now I must marry you.
For those interested, here are the two designs that will be released on Monday (hopefully) and available in a couple of different colors YOINK
3423? Those your house numbers?
I had a dream about making out with Rory from the Gilmore Girls, which is weird, cause I totally dig Loralai. I wish she'd run away with me on the back of my motorcycle, which really needs a new inspection sticker. I think it's like 07/01 or something, which is sad.
I bet Loralai wouldn't stoop to the level of getting on a bike with an expired inspection sticker. She's too good for that.
I wish I could remember to get medication for my adult ADD.
Panel six is a masterwork. Hearkens back to "A SAMURAI'S STRENGTH COMES FROM WITHIN -- DICK".
Jeff - Did Steve Hogan do the cat shirt design? It harkens to his style.
it's not pop culture if I understand it...
so i was kayaking with this guy today and he was like, "i didn't like napoleon dynamite because i think it's mean to make fun of retarded people."
it made me so mad that tonight i watched NP for the nth time. still just as good.
In every town there is a store that makes uniforms for small sports teams, like little-league and stuff. They still use the iron-on letters. If you all got such a hard-on for a Vote for Weedmaster P shirt, that's where you can get one.
Nuh-uh, our t-shirt shop says they do not make shirts with drug references on them except for the police department and DARE
and "Weedmaster P" is a drug reference apparently, I was unaware
TheBob Said: "You really have to read this comic while listening to Duel of the Fates to get the full effect."
I wuzz listnin to da Reggae mon, and funny it still is MON!
Hey, it's the episode II preview on OC!
Episode III preview.
And I thought I was so freakin clever!
You do realize that Lightsaber's aren't lasers right? They're an energy flux. If it were a laser, how would it stop?
And you call yourself a geek.
Notice how P moves the accent on his hoodie from one panel to the next, by JEDI SKILLZ!!!!
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