
07 March 2005


You know at the end of "The Professional" whenever Gary Oldman yells "EVVEERRRYONE?" That's what the last panel is supposed to sound like.

Still fine-tuning OC store items. Doing some shipping today so a bit backed up. We'll see how it works out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice. I just watched The Professional yesterday. And is that another appearance of Andrew W.K.?

7/3/05 16:53  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel just like Baby, in that whenever I come home from the Wal-Marts, I'm covered in the blood of folks that I'm glad I didn't know.

How often do you let Andrew WK out of your fridge so he can party with the less fortunate?

7/3/05 17:23  
Blogger jg said...

"The Professional"? Do you guys mean "Léon"? (I'm a weak little man with a compulsive need to point out the original title of movies just to feel superior and thus inflate my own ego, but eventually the bubble pops and I end up in an endless downward spiral littered with the broken dreams of a distant past.)

7/3/05 17:27  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HA! I never would have expected Gary Oldman to somehow be associated with OC. This comic is now the only comic I will ever read for the rest of my life and the span of the internet because I will definitely outlive the internet but when that day comes I will keep reading the OC's because they are magnificent and defy time and space. It is already the only comic I read, but it is official that no other shall oust it from it's cleverly upheaved position in my heart.

7/3/05 17:29  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The end of Léon? Man, that was, like, the BEGINNING of Léon.

7/3/05 19:53  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this comic reminds me of this weird study i'm doing where men wear shirts without deodorant and then women smell them

8/3/05 00:47  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i didn't know there was some sort of version of leon called the professional.

8/3/05 06:35  
Blogger Ray Radlein said...

The great thing about popcorn, as Terry Pratchett observed, is that when you cover it with butter and salt, it tastes just like salted butter.

9/3/05 04:07  

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