
No doubt many of you have seen this article regarding dolphins using tools. Not that I am actually all that concerned, but any opportunity I can get to weep while holding a pistol I must take, and an "irrational fear of dolphin-based armageddon" comic is almost required these days.
And yes, those are the same crates seen in Raiders of the Lost Ark.
Also panel two is meant to sound exactly like how Nicolas Cage says those lines in The Rock (while he is getting it on with Vanessa Marcil).
Also if you have not seen this Overcompensating art I got from deadmouse you certainly ought to - CLICK -

and lo did the "onion" article entitled "dolphins grow thumbs, humanity says "oh shit" " has come to pass.
(bbbblt) don't worry humans(bbblt) we are peaceful (bbbblt) we only want New Orleans (bbblt) then we will leave you in peace (splash)
Have you seen this then?
Reminds me of that simpsons where the dolphins start killing everybody.
I've lived in fear ever since that one Simpsons episode. On the bright side, It give me something to think about other than the impending chimp uprising.
I'd just dreamed an orca was trying to eat my girlfriend. The time has come!
Also finally noticed Weedmaster P has been too stoned to use punctuation, and spent too long trying to imagine what that sounds like.
what's in those boxes, is it tools? are you guarding your woodworking tools for fear that the tool using dolphins will borrow em and not give em back for a long time...like bad aquatic neighbors?
also, are you wearing capris? have you always been wearing capris?
My slick-skinned warrior is always rising, dude.
what is that pink thing on your leg, dude?
That tear makes the comic.
If you ever make an Overcompensating book that fan art piece should be the cover
dude that's hecka old news... we talked about it in my biology of marine mammals class like... months and months ago. Only the girl dolphins use tools. guess it's cuz they're smarter. just like in humans.
Wow, Harrison Ford and Nicholas Cage references in a single strip. Jeffrey, you kick ass!
yeah the onion predicts the future.
'So long and thanks for all the weapons training...'
Seriously dude, what is up with the hair-covered phallus on Weedmaster P's head?
Oh man, this is quite possibly the funniest Overcompensating yet. You have outdone yourself, good sir.
dang jeff. i just read your livejournal from your birthday. dang. i'm sorry, that really sucks. the crappy thing about birthdays is you always have such high expectations for them. at least i do. anyways, better luck next year. take care.
that picture by deadmouse is rad
Dolphins have prehensile penises.
They can ejaculate up to fourteen feet.
I wonder if it feel odd to draw your own nipples...
Where it is interesting that they are doing such things one could also make the argument that we are wrong and that it's a fasion thing. We wear hats to a) Look good and b) keep the elements off our noggins. Maybe it's like...the ocean equivilent to a nose ring.
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Does anybody else find dolphin laughter condescending...
I wonder if it feel odd to draw your own nipples...
It's 5x weirder to draw your own package.
Valuedan- I knew about the spider bite, but I sorta forgot how gnarly it was and prolly left a scar. I don't think I ever looked at the pictures because Jeff warned us that they were GROSS.
Never mind the dolphins...it's the turdin' spiders I worry about. All night long, all I can think about is the coming war against the spiders. They hang up in the corner of my cell where I can't reach them and stare at me all night long. When the war begins, I'll escape at last, and then? Helter skelter, baby.
I wrote an article about these upstart dolphins and linked to your comic. Give it a read.
Dolphins making tools, turkeys eating flesh, monkeys taking horse (Anyone remember Tiberius?), spiders biting Jeff's leg and now THIS!
@Jenny. Ha-ha. I know right. Well, if it seems odd, drawing nipple covers around it seems odder. lolol.
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