
21 June 2006

Everybody Knows

Often I deeply contemplate The Great Mystery of the multiverse. Too often, probably. However I wonder, what would happen if we figured it out? What if they made the announcement on television that science discovered the meaning of everything? Would they even bother announcing it? It seems to me that deep down, everybody really knows what it's all about, it's just a little embarrassing. It's not exactly the Hokey-Pokey, but it's close.

what the hell is the matter with people

Writing, drawing! The Case of Atlantis is going to be completely insane.

Good day to you.


Blogger Tom Meade said...

I am looking forawrd to Atlantis a lot. Will you incorporate the famous electric golden airships? Even if you were doing so, I doubt you'd answer such a hair-trigger question.

21/6/06 03:57  
Blogger Dean Trippe said...

hehe, i kinda had this happen to me like a week ago. jesus's badge is pretty pimp.

(hey bro, can i get the original art on this one from you?)

21/6/06 04:09  
Blogger DarkJesus said...

Chris Gaines is gone again. He came back for a few days and went off again to nowhere land! How can you do this, Chris Gaines?

21/6/06 07:38  
Blogger Shishi no Musuko said...

Rowland, do NOT allow the man to keep you down! I'm not saying to smoke him(after all, remember, he IS Metal), just stick it to him like it ain't no big feat!

Okay, now I'm just talkin' out of my ass. Much cheers and assorted.

21/6/06 10:08  
Blogger Roman said...

Nobody fucks with the Jesus, Jeff.

21/6/06 11:46  
Blogger Phinneas Q Jacksmith said...

Jesus looks like Chuck Norris in the last panel!

21/6/06 15:53  
Blogger Donovan S. Brain said...

Asimov wrote a story saying anyone who began to figure out the secret of the universe would be stopped by a mental or physical force, the way a germ on a slide would be stopped by a circle of penicillin. Jeffrey, don't think too hard; look what's happening to Stephen Hawkings!!!

21/6/06 16:09  
Blogger jeffrey rowland said...

God spelled my name wrong!

21/6/06 23:17  
Blogger Nobody Too said...

Metatron is nearsighted?

22/6/06 04:42  

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