Mo Money Mo Problems

That's how it goes. You get extremely famous for pretending to be somebody else and the next thing you know you're trying to remember what the Passenger Safety Briefing Card said to do in this particular emergency, and you're also so drunk that you honestly don't care.
Lots in store this week. Watch this space later today to see the new TopatoCo summer t-shirt designs. It is bound to be a hootnanny.
Thanks to Jason Alderman who was down last week and helped me do some computer stuff that will make TopatoCo run like a cheetah drenched in puma blood.
Also remind me to do a guest comic for Beaver and Steve. And this (youtube) is what I'm talking about.

Man, the earth got FUCKED up.
Chris Gaines is back!
Oh man, I hate Creed so much.
Snakes on a Gaines!
The REAL question though, is whether or not Chris Gaines found a tiny camera in his entrails.
snakes on a Gaines
Snakes on a Plane..... FOR REAL!,2933,197976,00.html
I am officially completely over-the-top sick of Snakes on a Plane.
You cant get sick of snakes on a plane
If you do a cow on a boat will get you
Cow on a boat? That's ridiculous.
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