
08 June 2006

Guns N' Bullets

The theatre for the final battle between Dumbrella and Dayfree Press has been set, but we have them outnumbered. Here's how it breaks down.

Team Dumbrella
Mr Jon Rosenberg
Dr Vampire
The Englishman
The Poopmonster

Team Dayfree
Kyle McNinja
Notorious JEPH and Nature Boy North (The Twin Towers)
The Albino Samurai
Double D

Mal, Hope, and Kean will ostensibly be acting as mercenaries.

Okay so maybe we don't have them outnumbered, plus they're a lot smarter and bigger than us. But who needs courage or skill or even a good reason when you have a gun?


Blogger I'm Scooter, but I might be a troll. said...

Ah yes, semiautomatic pistol diplomacy.

8/6/06 02:43  
Blogger Unknown said...

the Jedi call it "agressive negotiations" but even they end up at Wal-Mart 70% of the time.

8/6/06 04:48  
Blogger Jehu Campos said...

GREAT Futurama reference. I carry around two "courages" at all time. Texas law.

8/6/06 13:51  

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