The TopatoCo Standardized Interview

The Grand Satanic Holiday "Halloween" looms distant, ready to encourage good children to stray from the teachings of Jesus and embrace the darkness and listen to Goth Music. To celebrate, Dumbrella is selling t-shirts!
I am designing a new cover of Wigu Volume One and that'll be available again in a few weeks! Yay!
Best quote EVER. I am posting that on my computer. At work. For the Fire Chief to see. So he will probably fire me. Which means I can call you and cry, and hopefully be hired. Even though my last name is common and all I stand to inherit is a crab-fishing boat in San Juan.
man i literally only just worked out that her name was a play on paris hilton.
It would be worse is the World Trade Center were filled to the brim (not really possible) with Pandas instead of dolphins, but god forbid that.
Pandas won't even make love to save themselves. They're also mean. Screw Pandas.
This Tallahassee Econolodge person isn't really replacing Baby, is she?
Baby will be back, right?
it might be too soon for Hindenburg jokes.
"a docile brown bear is dressed in a tutu while navigating a makeshift obstacle course"
Really, I am appalled at this, but this just made me laugh. Just imagine if China was trying be cruel. See? Then it's funny.
Around Halloween I start blasting 'Bela Lugosi's Dead' by Bauhaus. It freaks out my neighbors....
The hell of it is J-Ro, as you pointed out, Pandas aren't screwing.
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