Driving Miss Dongle Part Seven

To be continued? But where? Perhaps in another book? Perhaps?
I just finished manually putting "previous" and "next" buttons on every single Overcompensating entry. Why not go back and see how things have changed!
It is butt-kicking season again. I hope you brought your giant foam flipping-off finger.
:standing ovation:
Ooh... ominous.
Can we possibly do an iTunes sort of situation where we can buy the Wigu comics online? Seriously, the sixteen dollars shipping to Australia is not worth it.
gorman, you could fly to Massachusetts in just your clothes, purchase hundreds or thousands of dollars worth of Wigu merchandise, and then fly home with all of it as your luggage. That would probably be more of a bargain than buying the stuff piece by piece and shipping it to Australia.
It's actually $8 international shipping (less for the book I think) but I'll look into that, I just figured out a neat "publish to web" option on the deal with the thing.
Will Topato be sent to his own private Idaho?
You did all that by hand? My hat goes off to you (it's a pirate hat), but surely someone out there could write a program to do it for you?
You have the power of the LazyWebs at your control!
I apologize for the long and unrelated post, but this is technically publishing. Also, you might want to know. It could shape your comics, or the public opinion. [humor][ignore]Or it could horribly taint your mind.[/humor][/ignore]
the link is from www.receiptforlabor.blogspot.com
Thanks Jeff. I understand if you delete this.
[cont from title link...] Which raises an important point. Can an automaker or a company become a trust by itself, if it is large enough? Can a company of a certain size depending on the market automatically be a trust, regardless of their economic activity, based on the laws of capitalism and standard industry business model?
Whose authority is it to adjudicate international companies guilty of breaking this law? Certainly it must be the World Court, or signatory members of the public World Trade Organization, or a UN Business branch, complete with customer/worker's Bill of Rights.
...or in a world democracy, a referendum jury of the citizens of the countries in which the company does business, weighted by amount of business in $ done in each country, and the level at which the company's entire market share affects business in each country.
This includes companies with a major ownership share in one another. I must call for the analysis of the world investment map. It may become necessary to classify extremely wealthy companies or company-umbrella-conglomerations as individual organizations and determine their ownership of assets to constitute a monopoly or not. As well, a group of companies that own a large enough portion of a market, but which are themselves owned or primarily invested in by an individual or family, or 'investment group' of individuals should be analyzed for breach of contract, classification as 'government' due to the power of their wealth, and counseled or scheduled for legitimacy of owning such a large portion of world power and wealth independent of the laws restraining and defining governments. If these people or companies constitute a 'world government' by wealth and ownership, they shall be subject to the laws defining and organizing any government.
'I admit it' Music: Vocal Trance - Matt Darey Feat Marcella Woods
I'm truly grateful to you for adding the next and previous buttons, but as a new reader, I'd really appreciate a link to the first Overcompensating. The only way I see to navigate currently is to work backwards from the most recent episode.
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