Spoiler Alert

The problem with knowing with absolute certainty what happens after you die is that, well, it makes you go instantly insane. Also nobody believes you. So it's just best to either just keep that one under you several simultaneously-worn hats or stagger around near the bus station mumbling under your breath.
This DDOS attack and the resulting downtime has made it startlingly clear that wigu.com is no longer stable enough for our purposes. I've been trying to get control of it for years but it seems I'll never be able to and it's too risky to leave to chance.
We're transferring everything over to Dumbrella Hosting under the watchful, glazed-over, squinting eye of Phillip K, Master of CyberSpace.
This also means that the permanent url for Overcompensating will be www.overcompensating.com. www.wigu.com/overcompensating will no longer be active. Things will be buggy for a bit but I'll make up for it by making extra-tremendous comics.
That book is totally the biggest practical joke of all time, perpetrated by machine elves.
Nude, frolicking machine elves.
Or, it could have been written by a person suffering from some kind of nerologic defect.
Although I do enjoy the idea of nude frolicking. At least in July, with proper sunscreen.
This is the youtube posting of the Beatles song Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds.
It is *mesmetrizing*. TYhis means to be tripping electronically.
When done while riding on the back of a machine elf, it is robo-mesmetrizing.
When done while dead, it is seeing God's splendor.
I'm taking a leap and totally riding on what this guy says.
My god Jeffrey I actually wet my panties when the website went down. OC is the crack cocaine of the interwub.
Don't listen to Effector about Joanna's Latin quote. It's correct. "Viditur" can and usually means "seem" in the passive. My credentials for knowing this: I have completed one Latin Prose Composition course for my BA in Classical Studies, and I am currently in another for my MA in Classical Studies.
Wow, man, your studio is swank.
When you die you go to Cleveland.
What happened to yer mustache? You look all gayed up without it :(
Where are you, Jeffrey Rowland?
i miss OC.
Man, Jeffrey, get off your silly livejournal and make a new Overcompensating!
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