The New iTem. All you need. And more

This here is just a comic about how funny it is that Apple has to speak to people with sentence fragments now because everyone has the attention span of a nine-year-old with a cocaine problem.
This new tee-shirt is an overnight sensation! Who would have known so many people would openly admit to knowing about such terrible things.
Actually I had to look quite a few of those things up. Then I wished that I hadn't. That is one of the things that is so great about the Internet, it has taught me the true meaning of the word regret.
what's the liklihood of you putting this on a boy-beater tank?
Boy-beater? Where is the irony in that?
Man you guys are awesome.
oh, i think "awesome" overwhelms any potential lack in irony
OH Wow.
This shirt is made of win and god
I drove a boy-beater tank in the 'Nam. Now I got no legs.
Don't get me wrong, I think the boy-beater nomer is both clever and funny, it just doesn't seem to have the same ring to it, that's all.
PS Yes I am aware that nomer isn't a word. But I can't see why not, if misnomer is.
fair enough, nrkn. it is pretty cutesy and totally doesn't have the edge that "wife-beater" does...but it's also what manufacturers seem to like to call that cut of tank for women...and by golly i'd love to have that shirt on that style tank (on me, who is females).
(p.s. random word invention/adaptation is what's made our language what it is today, and therefore should be encouraged...unless you are the president)
omg omg omg omg omg - i want one!
a kid with a cocain problem sure would have a predicament on his hands.
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