Secret Perverts

Since I stopped watching TV (or should I say stopped watching commercials on TV) I'm only getting second-hand info about political candidates' TV ads, and the impression I get is just embarrassing. I don't want to vote for anybody! I want to vote for robots, and I am fully aware of the consequences of this.
This weekend Phillip and I got the Wigu and When I Grow Up archives all overhauled, complete with series browsing! All this stuff will be under from now on!
Over the next few days, Overcompensating is also moving to a new archiving system. Please be patient while we get everything figured out.
Dude whenever I make an agressive-ish political stand on something I remember that the internet said I share zodiac profiles with hitler and lizzie borden etc. and cringe a little :( I'm affraid to be left or pacifist, let alone anarchist.
The fish represents sharing.
Vote Green! They don't have the money to embarrass themselves.
In my district the mudslinging as gotten so bad that the Republican candidate is now calling the Democrat "Dr. Millionaire-Know-It-All" in his TV ads. Playground name-calling. Just crazy stupid.
dude, robots are soooo cliche
New archive system?
oh the fish oh the fish
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