The World T-Shirt Folding Championship

I'm not entirely sure about the actual ranking of the FBI's Ten Most Wanted List, but I did find out the dude still hasn't been formally charged for nine-eleven, which seems kinda sketchy -- especially considering Habeas Corpus isn't even an issue these days. Still, that $25 million is lookin' pretty sweet right about now.
I'm still deciding whether or not I'm going to go to the World T-Shirt Folding Championship tomorrow, I need to sleep on it.
The Bird Flu came across some some lovely shots of the most recent Space Shuttle launch. Makes you feel like an itty bitty fish in a great big pond.
The FBI doesn't rank the Ten Most Wanted list, and hasn't for years (except in the movies and comic books). You can judge that Bin Laden is the most wanted guy by his price tag, but otherwise, all are equal on the Top Ten Most Wanted List.
They also tend to leave the charges that got you on the wanted list alone once you're up there, only updating if they've got new information on whereabouts or other things that might help a person identify the fugitive. At least, as far as I've observed.
I spent an unusual amount of time on the FBI website as a youth.
Good luck.
I can actually do that fold. It took me a whole year of mastery and discipline but damnit I did it.
Kimson, that's what we in the biz refer to as "bullshit method."
I worked at a t-shirt shop many years ago. It was one of the best jobs I ever had. (Actually I worked at several t-shirt shops, but the other ones were not as fun.) Other people there were experts at folding t-shirts - they'd hold up the shirt, flip the sleeves and sides in, drop the top down and voila, a perfectly folded shirt in seconds. No matter how I tried I could never get the hang of it. My shirts were always deemed too sloppy to display. I suspect it's a genetic ability you're either born with or not.
Holy shit, P called you a peckerwood! You gonna sit there and take that, cracker-ass?
Lookin' mighty smooth, Mr. Ro.
Kimson, that's what we in the biz refer to as "bullshit method."
Which is why you should be on the lookout for people using it.
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