Bin Laundry

They caught a guy who was the president of a powerful country who was healthy and hiding in a hole! It seems like they should be to find able a guy with a limp who is just kind of rich and lives in a cave.
We sure do have crappy super-villains these days, not that it's necessarily a bad thing. You've got Cave Gimp whose powers are being Educated, Angry, and Leadership Skills, and then there's Kim Jong Il whose powers are Extreme Short-Man Syndrome and Watching Movies. Makes me sentimental for OJ.
Mashley is coming into town Saturday and there is going to be a Halloween party where I live Saturday night. I will post details on my Livejournal if you are interested in coming!
Rupee: the official currency of India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Hyrule.
And some kind of fancy instrument, but you can't play it, it's just for show.
i feel like bert is the real problem here. i mean, pictured with john wilkes booth, hitler, and now osama? he appears to be some sort of evil highlander, determined to spread fear throughout the land... plus, he fits in with that facial hair demographic suggested by the last poster. check out those BROWS.
(p.s. long-time lurker, first-time poster. i loves your comic. thanks!)
Jeffrey, if you're in the Middle East bringing a known terrorist to justice, who's updating the webcomic?
Do the interweb tubes extend all the way across the ocean?
They have the internet here where I am!
Dude, do paint your nails white?
That's so sad.
Fellow Ex-Oklahoman
hey, that guy we caught from the spiderhole... he was not Saddam. Saddam's wife said it is not him. We also know he had dozens of body doubles.
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