
19 October 2006

They Are Not Toys

Today is the Englishman's birthday. He considers it extremely rude to ignore this.

Mr. Jon Rosenberg is right over there signing toy satanic chickens! On Friday night Poopmonster, Tallahassee, possibly Vermont Pete and I are off to Boston to see MC Frontalot in the sleek, white flesh! He will say raps about such things as computers.

To get to Boston from here you have to go through Worcester. For some reason people in Massachussets don't know how to pronounce "Worcester" right, they say it like "Wis-tah." People from Massachussetts have problems.


Blogger Cos said...

Wow, that's weird. I live in Worcester. In England. You Americans copy everything.

Incidentally, it would be pretty brilliant to go with P's idea...

20/10/06 07:48  
Blogger Darwin said...

The mangled pronunciation (I use the term loosely) of "Gloucester" is even worse. Wis-tah may be bad, but Glaw-stah just sounds gross.

20/10/06 10:04  
Blogger Amelia said...

Hey Jeffery is the Englishman in Mass with you? Because tomorrow is my birthday but my friends and I are having a huge party tonight. We're just a short ways away in lil Rhode Island, and we'd be glad to have you and the gang over. If you're interested, email me for the details. Oh and there will be lotsa beer.

20/10/06 12:55  
Blogger jeffrey rowland said...

Thanks for the invite Sketchfervor! But it is a little short notice. Let me know a couple days in advance next time, we like to go to parties!

20/10/06 14:18  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy crap, ugliest animal ever!

20/10/06 14:42  
Blogger Cos said...

You say ugly, I say endearing.

20/10/06 15:40  
Blogger narthan said...

I lived in Worcester for four years. If I'd spent my time pronouncing all of the letters that are in it, I'd never have gotten anything done.

20/10/06 15:46  
Blogger Captain Princess said...

Sure, Worcester is bad, but trying saying Puyallup. Or Sequim.

20/10/06 16:05  
Blogger Amelia said...

haha ok next time we'll let you know. We art school kids know how to throw a good one.

20/10/06 17:40  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I was a kid, my mother had a friend who couldn't pronounce the letter "R". I once commented to my mom how unfortunate it was for a grown woman to have such a speech impediment. My mom explained to me that the lady didn't have a speech impediment; she was from Boston.

The bald lemur is adorable. I want one.

20/10/06 18:25  
Blogger Matt Ramone said...

I think they prefer "hair imparied lemurs."

20/10/06 19:11  
Blogger Jared Decker said...

Winston makes me want to pee my pants. It would not be so bad if he was not just GLARING INTO MY SOUL.

20/10/06 19:15  
Blogger Unknown said...

Exactly why I moved the hell away from Massachusetts.
Thanks for making cute little demented animal friends Jeffrey.

don't forget to get ah cup of da dunkies, honk like you are going straight to hell, add and substract r's like nobodies bizness and swerve alot.

but what the hell do I really know, I'm just from Michigan.

20/10/06 23:10  
Blogger Number36 said...

That's no bald Lemur, that's an Aye-aye. Poor wee buggers hunted to the brink of extinction because of a superstition that they're evil & a symbol of death.

21/10/06 01:27  
Blogger Grimeology Records said...

we don't have problems, aside from the funny talking. woostah fa-evah.

21/10/06 13:40  
Blogger Christopher Armstrong said...

Dear Mr. Rowland,

I did not see you at the show last night.


P.S. What do you look like? I could not see anybody that looked like a cartoon.

21/10/06 13:46  
Blogger Alex said...

That is the ugliest animal I have ever seen! Followed closely by the naked mole rat.

21/10/06 17:37  
Blogger Jehu Campos said...

IT'S REAL!?!?!?!?

22/10/06 04:25  
Blogger Walter said...

I spotted a LNMAC member at the Decemberists concert saturday night!

22/10/06 08:04  
Blogger Nathan said...

I feel honourable mention has to go to the town of "Bistah" in the south of my country. We write it "Bicester", which is clearly just the wrong number of syllables.

22/10/06 11:28  
Blogger Ronald MacKinnon said...

Man, that bald lemur looks like he should be screaming "1.21 JIGGAWATTS!? GREAT SCOTT!"

22/10/06 17:30  

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