
Meanwhile, in America, today is the day to choose who you consider to be the least offensive of your selection of available local leaders. Do our bidding, valiant leaders. After all, some of us are paying interest on the money we borrowed from a bank to help pay your income.
My, that's negative! Here is a positive bit of news.
Wigu is coming back.
@wigu - Hooray!
Wigu is coming back.
Awesome news.
You're paying interest on a loan in order to pay your taxes? That's what sucks about being self-employed. You got to do that stuff yourself, instead of a boss doing that automatically.
Yes! The return of Wigu! Thank you, good sir!
haha! cuz uhamericns are stoopid! u naild it.
In a different but equally angry vein: Nothing on Mad TV has ever been funny. The Asian woman is the best part of the show and is still just boorish and obvious. I've laughed at Mad TV exactly once, and I've regretted it ever since.
Man, I can't believe Jeffrey Rowland doesn't fully appreciate Borat. That kind of shattered some of my ideals.
Hahaha I love Weedmaster P's random rage. He is a bipolar GOD of the magical green substance.
WIGU! Holy hell! YES!
"Don't talk to him, just keep walking."
Perfect. That's been my mom's way of avoiding Borat-falvored annoyance since i was little. Still works.
Cheers about wigu!
"...Cohen was using the character to make fun of Americans."
Yea! Wigu! Huzzah!
For what it's worth, the cartoon rendition of Borat is surprisingly spot-on lookswise.
oh man, wigu!
woohoo! Good news on nov. 7!!!!
I didn't know rednecks were racists until Borat showed me the way! Thank you Borat for teaching me that rednecks are racist.
I bet you did learn that Central Asians are racists from watching Borat, though.
Swan... her name was Swan. I'm ashamed to know that.
Oh, and Wigu returning brightens my day like lemon fresh pledge.
The Wigu announcement makes me happy, too!
I saw Borat a day or two ago. I neither loved it nor hated it. It was pretty much exactly the kind of movie I was expecting it to be. Vulgar, absurd, and completely over the top with some funny bits and some bits to make a person cringe.
Wigu, yay.
By the way, the Ali G show was funny, but I haven't seen the movie. In the Ali G show he does the flamoyant gay german, and the British gangster (Ali G) characters, way better than Borat.
I admire Cohen's amazing persistence and dedication to the character, the fact that he fooled quite a number of people and the fact that the movie IS GODDAMN FUNNY. I can understand hatin' on people who spend the rest of the year saying AH-HIGH-FIVE (like I did for almost a day), but I can't understand how you can hate on comedy! It's not like he's running the country.
His act died with box office success by definition though, so I think that's it for now, if that makes you happy.
i didn't know who borat was until a few days ago when he appeared on my TV! and then i thought it was like, a weird parody of that tom hanks movie ('the terminal' i think?)
which just kind of shows off my ignorance i guess. i like your cartoon outfit jeffrey rowland! a man with a fedora, scarf, and loafers without socks would sweep me off my feet!
Bronson "Balki" Pinchot is very creepy.
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