
There's also no such thing as "environmentally-friendly." The environment doesn't need friends, because it is the environment. And even if the environment wanted friends, do you really think it would want to be friends with you? I mean, come on, look at you.
I don't think it's really "gay" if you are a guy who has a crush on Indiana Jones. O to cling fast to that sweaty, swashbuckling archaeologist as you swing across an ancient, bottomless chasm, chased by a furious, desperate squad of natives who've for generations sworn to protect what you've just stolen from them, your cheek rubbing against his stubbly man-cheek...
The same goes for Brad Pitt.
Unbreakable combs are bunk, too!
Easiest to break 'em with a hatchet.
What's up with digging a hole naked in the last panel? Did I miss something here?
A friend of mine has one of those "perfect pancake makers", that's supposed to have a non-stick surface. It worked fine for her for months, and then she let her housemate use it to make pancakes, and in that ONE time of letting it out of her sight, it got ruined. To this day she doesn't know how it happened.
- Katie
no blog, but the same birthday as Jeff - woo!
Jeff loves me for who I am
I'm guessing, Jeffrey, that you were watching the Sci-fi channel last night too. I agree. It's not gay at all.
...and so called "Safety Glass" still really hurts if you walk into it.
The real reason Jeff is ending Wigu is so his Sheriff Pony tattoo won't become mainstream. This way, it will forever remain obscure and nostalgic.
- Angryrooster
hm. something seems different.
the last panel still involves Jeff naked, only in a different sort of way.
Mmm...Harrison Ford-y goodness. Almost as good as Leonard Nimoy, but not quite.
P.S. Is it just me, or is the fingers from The Grudge growing out of your head?
You should end every statement with "Jeffely yours," that'd be badass
- J-sin
Interestingly enough, my girlfriend and I got in an argument about this same topic just last night. Apparently she couldn't see the romance in his PUNCHING TWO GUYS OUT COLD AT THE SAME TIME WITH ONE HAND.
P.S. I will do pretty much anything to get Wigu back. Anything
My god, I feel the same way. But that's only because of a little crush on Harrison Ford. Only guy I've ever, or will ever have a crush on.
He's just that cool.
It's not a Harrison Ford thing, it's an Indiana Jones thing. If you ask a guy whether Indiana Jones or Han Solo is hotter, he won't say "It's the same guy moron." He'll say "Indiana Jones, definitely." I know this from lots and lots of personal experience.
A girl might say Han Solo or call you a moron, though.
True. You don't see the girls (or guys) flocking after The Fugitive or The President from Air Force One or Colonel Lucas from Apocolypse Now. It's strictly an Indy thing.
It is the Indy thing...him in that hat...with shirt unbuttoned slightly....sweating...cracking a whip....HOT! Jeff you should incorporate more open shirt scenes :) Get the ladies goin'...
So is shirt-open Jeff hotter than shirtless Jeff, whom we see more often anyway? o.0 I say either way ;)
damn it! i missed the digging a hole nekkid pannel? oh well, those little shampoo horns are damn cute. ;D
and yes, indy is definately hot... although im not sure my opinion counts on this since im female and straight. although, i guess the same logic could be applied to teh ladies and Angelina Jolie. :x
Stubble burn is painful! Like...bloody painful! I bet you wouldn't be able to think about anything else for the whole day. It'd just eat at you. The savages would be like... "wakka wakka STAB STAB" and you'd be all "Back off, man, my face feels like it got pinched by a million tiny snapping turtles."
Well said. Just because I can appreciate the rugged beauty of Indiana Jones does not make me a homosexual. So who cares if I wanna make with him a little. That's not gay, right?
Awww, I missed the digging a hole naked scene. I feel so forlorn. My friend told me about it and I didn't rush to see it as I should have. Curses!
- Stephanie (to the Max!)
I did a semi-official opinion poll at my ickle rural high school (of guys only of course) and found thirteen for indy as opposed to a mere eight for Han Solo. When I asked girls who was sexier, it was a unanimous "Indiana Jones!" Don't know if that's important or not. It was most interesting just to watch lots of guys say... "I don't want to answer that!"
P.S. and I thought I was a sexual deviant with my crush on Angelina Jolie
Whenever a guy refuses to answer the question it's because he fantasizes about Indiana Jones daily.
The girl I asked who said Han Solo was a lesbian, so my data might be skewed.
At first I wasn't gonna say anything, but this is getting out of hand. I'm a lady, and Han Solo is so hotter! Not Empire Han, he was a dick. But Jedi Han was crazy-hot! He was like, all weak..blind and clingy..And all, 'is that you, Chewy?' Also no stubble burn. You don't even want to know what thats like, ladies, uh, and...fellas.
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