Have you ever been to a rodeo? I have. They are kind of fun in much the way that being held underwater by a gorilla is fun.
Getting killed by an animal would be the worst, wouldn't it? At least if a human murders you, at least one of you is going to enjoy it.
The very idea of a ninja cowboy makes me happier than a Cuba Gooding jr. with dignity (can we please just give him another oscar so he'll stop trying to make "heartwarming" movies like radio? Please?!)
I'm totally going as a ninja cowboy for halloween aka tomorrow at work.
Today's comic is hawt.
Now to business. I sent this to you in an e-mail, and I'm not sure if you got it since I sent it like forever ago, but it's important so I'm just going to post it here.
I wrote a song for you called I was a Teenage Billionaire Psychopath. Is it OK if my band plays it?
-Your fan Dave H.
By "hawt", he means "infinitely spectacular."
A delightful tune, Dave! By all mean, play that puppy like it's the last song on Earth.
Sorry about the email thing. My inbox is a seethign orgy of questionably useful stock tips and proven methods that will turn my genitals into thunderous, gargantuan monuments of flesh.
rodeos kick ASS!
where else can you sit outside, watch grown men get run over by bulls while playing poker, and drink dollar PBR dispensed from a TRUCK
RE: Clint,
Bulls playing poker. Ha!
That is insanely cool. I must add this to my rockingly new website at www.atributetocoolness.co.nr
NOT COOL! that is not my website. i am heartily sorry for clogging this beautiful board with trash. The real site is www.tributetothecool.co.nr
Don't turn the horsies to glue please!!!!!!
The kitty is still green. (Yum!)
Sumo Wrestler Cable Repairmen?! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
If you think about it, rodeos probably are a result of some strong sexual tension that resulted from the loneliness associated with the cowboy lifestyle. Looking at all the ropes, harnesses, and spurs involved with rodeo-ing, one might deduce that the whole spectacle stemmed from the struggle of the Cowboy to have control over a certain area of their lives. The calf-tying is most likely some sort of foreplay. Perhaps it is all some sort of release, then, to be bucked off of a raging mad horse and trampled under the stamping hooves of a bull.
I don't know where the clowns tie in with all of this, but I'm sure it's kinky too.
I also like the new green you've used on Joanna. My neighbor's cat ended up that colour one time when I had some extra spray paint one lazy summer afternoon...
Dave, I enjoyed your song.
Curiously, the alphabet contrived to put your song in between Charlie Parker and Devo in my music collection. This strikes me as a particular place of honor.
Yes! I'm not sure if it's allowed for me to comment on MAIS in the OC, but I'm going to anyway. Jeff as much as it pains me to admit that I listen to the genre of music known as "emo", I am very happy for you to make fun of Connor Oberst because he is awesome and everyone should listen to his music, especially his song "Let's not shit ourselves". Also, he is a whiny bastard who deserves to be made fun of.
Here's hoping for a "Ninja Cowboy" T-shirt at some point, you know, after the drunken cat one everyone seems to be clamoring for.
Rodeo's are only awesome when they are held on a Friday and Saturday night (Drunk Cowboys = Fun!), and are followed by a Demolition Derby on Sunday night (Drunk High School Dropouts = Funner!).
So says a real Kansas boy.
I frankly think being eaten would be horrible. I guess that's a way of being killed by an animal but I wouldn't have as big a problem if I wasn't eaten afterwards (or during)
i giggled at today's comic most thoroughly! overcompensating is one of the few good things in my world.
one of the other few things is dave hoffman: AW MAH GOODNESS KEEP ROCKING!
"thunderous, gargantuan monuments of flesh" is the scariest phrase I have read all week.
I live in Jersey so the closest thing to a rodeo I get is a Medieval Times joust,
Ah the Rodeo, polar opposite to englishness
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