X Master X

I goes without saying that Weedmaster P's favorite holiday is St. Patrick's Day and his family tree is quite twisted and dangly.
I stared to draw the third panel different but I have to stick to the formula.
If you guess what song inspired Weedmaster P you win the Pride of the Inter Net Prize. If you are Mary Kate Olsen, I apologize, and hope you get better.
was it this? http://www.liquidgeneration.com/games/olsens_crackman.asp
My guess for the inspiration song is The Offspring's 'What Happened to You?' If that is not the right song you should listen to it anyway because it is humorous and relevant.
Also, sometimes blogger makes me cry.
i am guessing it is the rentals - friends of p
I also would have accepted The Roots Seed 2.0
But isn't P., like, Ric Ocasek's wife or something? Ric Ocasek's wife is a guy who smokes a lot of pot?
Who the hell is P. anyway?
I thought Weedmaster P was a real person! :O
The Seed 2.0? Did I mention I FUCKING love that song.
GOD DAMMIT I was totally going to guess "Friends of P."
Well, I may not own the Internet, but at least I am down with P.
Its not like it was that hard, the lyrics to Friends of P is the first thing to show up on an AltaVista search for "down with P"
dammit. i was gonna say crackity jones by the pixies.
ps krackmasta k is much hilarity
I kinda ruled out anything by Mozart myself.
And I'll bite: there's a formula? I thought it was all just like, you know, drawn like a James Joyce novel...
I kinda ruled out anything by Mozart myself.
And I'll bite: there's a formula? I thought it was all just like, you know, drawn like a James Joyce novel...
Friends of P is one of the best songs ever. as soon as i read that their was a weedmaster p i knew it was inspired by that song. Wow jeff, your taste in music is better than even i could have hoped for. I will now search everwhere for my copy of that cd. it helps me feel better when i am being down and sad. -jonnny L
"Yo kids, trust me, these drugs r not good for you okay... trust me, and respect to u all."
The Master of Spelling has saved many lives today!
I think you're mistaken in Weedmaster P's favorite holiday. If he truly were a pot head, the holiday would land on April 20.
According to the Master of Spelling's blogger bio, he buys cheap champagne by the case... because he wants to stop being an alcoholic? Trust him about the drugs though, kids!
Weedmaster P is cool with 4:20 o'clock but April 20 is also Hitler's birthday and P does not roll with Nazis.
Wow, this is the most "vocal" I've ever seen Jeff.
Wow, this is the most "vocal" I've ever seen Jeff.
Also I'll do an OC tomorrow, how abou that. Or later tonight. I may watch the entire first season of Arrested Development on DVD first.
Let me be the first to say that if TopatoCo were to sell some kind (any kind) of beret, that would be totally awesome, and I for one would purchase same.
personally, i think what u got with frame 3 works best. great strips d00d. i am deeply envious of your talent! ;)
Just I-have-nothing-to-do-ing. Jeff's formula for Weedmaster P works every time.
Frame 1: Jeff and Girl say things amounting to "look, it's Weedmaster P," Weedmaster P speaks from offscreen, usually involving the word "bitches."
Frame Middle: Weedmaster P is proundly displayed, doing Weepmaster P like things, this is where Jeff really shines.
Frame Last: Jeff and Girl reflect upon P's antics.
Arrested Development RULES! That kid from The Andy Griffith Show AND the dweeb from Happy Days does the voice work for it, ya know? Cause he's the same guy.
Arrested Development is even cooler than drugs, which all of you kids should use on a regular basis.
man i really want one of those shirts like weedmaster p has. can you make one?
Yes, I do have One (WTF Eagle) Shirt, & in line for the OC Shirt Pkg Spcl, & yet I do wonder about the punctuation in the 1st panel.
Is it "Think Green, Mother Bitches"? or is it "Think, Green Mother, Bitches"?
Yes, I do have One (WTF Eagle) Shirt, & in line for the OC Shirt Pkg Spcl, & yet I do wonder about the punctuation in the 1st panel.
Is it "Think Green, Mother Bitches"? or is it "Think, Green Mother, Bitches"? I mean, Jeff has been Green, when he was daid...but...
Maybe it's cause it's 4am & 2 degrees F & I've just walked 3 miles round to the liquor store to clear my head & my head is too clearfused
i had to seek out Friends of P and every time i listen to it i can only picture the weedmaster~
Weedmaster P is hott...
Is Krackmasta K. wearing a 'My Little Pony' T-shirt? Man, those ponies smelled so good.
I do not believe Weedmaster is very down with grammar as it does not work well with the shift key held down.
The girl's lipstick changed color in the third panel! It is holographic from different angles!!!
It's 2pm monday march 21, I'm at work, procrastinating as usual but my sanity is slowly slipping into the murky waters of my dysfunction, where are you?
I think it's "Think 'Green Mother', bitches".
I think it's "Think Green, Mother Bitches!" Additionally, perhaps it is mood lipstick.
"Weedmaster P is cool with 4:20 o'clock but April 20 is also Hitler's birthday and P does not roll with Nazis."
I have absolutely no clue why this made me laugh so hard, but I cracked up when I read it.
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