
22 June 2006


I am afraid of becoming a hippie! I am living the hippie lifestyle now kind of, and that makes me afraid. Then I realize I have a lot of baths to take and a lot of Phish concerts to not go to before I can really consider becoming a hippie.

We have a local group of people called the Pedal People who are picking up the trash for us now! That's honestly as hippie as I'm willing to get. At some point in my obituary, I want the phrase "conspicuosly ostentatious" to occur. Hippiedom strictly forbids that type of thing.


Blogger paulsouthworth said...

My father never kills bugs unless he has to. He'll pick them up very gently and throw them outside. I always found it very admirable for some reason, and I think of it every time I reflexively kill a spider or a fly. Then I feel bad about myself.

22/6/06 10:44  
Blogger Donovan S. Brain said...

I used to be a hippie, back before I became a brain in a jar. Now I prefer to be called a freak.

22/6/06 11:31  
Blogger Roman said...

Once I thought I killed a fly by clapping my hands together and swatting it. The fly fell to the floor, dead (or so I thought). I went to the bathroom to get a tissue to, you know, give it a proper burial and all, and as soon as I came back the fly stirred, then buzzed away.

That fly was like Jesus, man.

22/6/06 14:20  
Blogger DarkJesus said...

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22/6/06 15:37  
Blogger DarkJesus said...

I don't get what's happening. Did you kill the fly? Did the fly kill you?

Previous post deleted due to my punctuation freak ways.

22/6/06 15:38  
Blogger Jaron said...

No offense to web-comicers, but I think that if you make a webcomic for a living, while people like my father, and the fathers of plenty do hard labour for a living, then a lot of people will see you as a hippy...'

An Internet Hippy... Inter-Hip-E

22/6/06 15:45  
Blogger William Bunker said...

dude i am so impressed that you're from northhamptom. you probably know connolly and dude fuckin yeah. also the ninja turtles came from there. it's like some sort of central place where everything cool happens at. i love it.

28/6/06 17:03  

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