Like You Know

Recent studies show that "like" is the most commonly used word in American English. Then there are some cuss words and the sixth most popular word is "huh." The sixth most popular word in England is "yob."
Lately I'm fascinated with Massachusetts colloqualisms. Today I "banged" my first "u-ie." Friday we had a "wicked pissah." I'll figure it out.
Ok let's do this thing. Team Force Alpha, it's time to move out.

I ain't banged a u-ie in years. Ah, the memories.'re not official Taxachusetts ilk until you've worked "balls" or "ballsy" into sentence as a positive adjective, e.g., "That hemi is wicked ballsy" or "That show last night was the balls".
ha, that remind me when I was in the plane from London to Cali, I was sitting inbetween two cali birds, and they won't stop saying 'like' and 'totally' in every single bloody sentence, argh!
Aww, man. Ya know? It's like, um, dude. I mean, DUDE!
In Mexico is not that better at all. instead of "dude", most kids nowadays use "guey"(it's pronounced in a similar fashion to "way") or "equis"(which is an equivalent to "whatever"). Vocabulary is a sad thing on this inter-web days.
What the crap is ding dang yob?
In Massachusetts, banging a u-ie is not only encouraged, it is pretty much required in some places if you want to get where you are going.
In Rhode Island we used to "hook" a u-ie. I swear it's like a different planet up there in Mass.
Valley Girl speak is one of the best reasons to abandon the Yucca Mountain project and send all of our nuclear waste to San Fernando.
The curious thing is, like seems to be used where I would of taken a breath.
Do todays kids have a larger lung capacity than those of my day?
(Also, tabloid newspapers are responsible for most of the uses of “Yob” in UK English.)
way to phone it in
Re: U-turns: anyone else call them "flipping a bitch"?
And damn, now I really wish It's Like, You Know would come out on DVD. Funny show.
Am I too late to comment on Massachusettsian lingo? No?
massachusetts is the biggity bomb.
i've banged all kinds of u-ies. they never call back. they also don't tell you when your license is suspended over here. gotta do a dag nab freedom of information act to get the info.
dude i had no idea this was a blog. officially.
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