Dead Horses on a Plane

Truth be told, I wasn't really going to go to Comic-Con until this happened. People keep saying that I started the whole Snakes on a Plane internet thing. Always willing to accept responsibility for things I didn't actually do, I take full responsibility for it.

As far as Comic-Con goes, Dumbrella (AKA Team Force Alpha) is having a meeting this weekend to discuss these things.

No muthafuckin' WAY is Samuel L. fuckin-Jackson wearing your Snakes on a Plane T-Shirt! That is beyond coolness! Has your head exploded with pride? Because mine would have.
Holy shit is that real? I'm with the head-splodey guy. WOW.
Ahhhhhhh thats fucking awesome@!@!!
Snakes on a Muthafucking Jackson!!! excellent.
He's a plane. Those are jet engines. It's a dream sequence.
Jeffrey, have you been at the emergency tequila again.
When Samuel L. Jackson shows up in my dreams, his shirt always changes into a snake, too! What's up with that?
Actually, J-Ro, I think you pushed the "Snakes on a MF Plane" thing up to critical mass; without you it would have leveled off to just another internet meme. Unless I'm wrong.
If I'm wrong, then stay tuned for "ORLY: the movie."
Wow that is da coolest!
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Funny, I have a comic that deals largely in pop culture, and making a SOAP strip never occured to me.
I always like your comics, but this one's especially funny. That's what Sam Jackson would do if he showed up in a dream, wouldn't he? He'd yell at the dreamer.
Also, you might wanna stock up on bandwidth, 'cause that shirt's gonna land you in Entertainment Weekly one of these days.
Damn, for a moment there I thought that one of the people with Samuel L. Jackson was Jeff. He has my first name and initials, I am terrified that he is my evil twin and haven't ever seen a picture of him. Damn it, show your face to allay my fears!
Jeffrey Rowlands is a wonderful artist and a gift to the world.
hee, it's jeffrey the talking airplane! that is weirdly cute! except it took a bit for me to get that; i thought it was some iffy flesh-coloured torture device at first. also cute: that boy in the photograph who looks quite like a member of kings of leon, humm!
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