Indie USA

I've decided that for my tastes, the only good beer is made in Mexico. Pacifico, Modelo, XX, even Corona. I think since it's hot all the time in Mexico they know how to make beer that cools you off better, and since they have a lot of problems in Mexico they now how to make beer that makes you feel okay.
As I was driving to the office this morning, I saw a lot of Americans standing in their yards looking arrogant. Some of them had boats; they were attaching their boats to their trucks so they could sail the waters of Freedom. It's okay to be proud of your country, but some Americans are just showing off. The Eagle of Freedom is proud and humble, and we should follow His example.

Stripy assholes?
Happy United States of America National Day, United States of Americans. I hope you enjoy not being a British colony. Although I can tell you from experience it's not that bad, at least now my country exists because you shucked a jive.
Actually the indigenous population may be a little miffed about that.
Also, really Andy. REALLY.
the eagle of freedom eats carrion. and shits on rooftops. and is made to live in an evergreen tree in a 25 sq ft cage at my local zoo.
yay beer
yay eagles
gwb omg wtf
Happy ID4, Jeff!
J-Ro, you should try San Miguel beer. It's the shizzy.
I should point out that a great deal of Mexican beers were founded by German immigrants.
Here's a twist that just may blow your mind; try Eliot Ness from Great Lakes Brewing Co. It's an American micro in a German style that's popular in Mexico (Vienna lager is the style of XX and Negra Modelo)
It's too early to say it ironically and/or cleverly, but Tecate is the best goddamn Mexican beer. Drink it from a can, with lime juice squeezed on the top of the can and with salt in the lime. You slurp the salt and lime with every sip of beer and ay yay yay!
"Happy Independence Day, dong nibbler" is about how I greeted everyone yesterday too. What a great country.
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I was never much of a drinker... but what really did it for me was tecate... Corona tastes like piss(don't ask me how I know that, I... just... urgh!) and, in a minor leven, the Jaggermeister. Of course, that one is not Mexican--
My first thought was to defend Canadian beer, but then I realized that I can't. I don't drink any beer at all, ever, so I am not qualified to sing its praises. Instead, I regularly murder chocolate martinis. I am wanted in three provinces and two territories.
Though I have heard really good things about Carib. Trinidadian beer is apparently as good as Mexican beer, but infused with the essence of soca and steel drums. Or something.
I heard from a wise middleaged man that Corona used to be like 50% urine (their sewage system isn't so great). That's why they put lime wedges in the bottles (lime smell over urine). I don't know if it still has that much urine in it or not. It's probably down to like 20%.
But to be on the safe side I only drink whiskey and the blood of the innocent.
**The More You Know**
Happy Aniversary of America no longer being British.
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