The Unbearable Lightness of Being The Poopmonster

That Poopmonster is a precocious little scamp. He drinks Red Bulls like a hipster douchebag drinks Pabst Blue Ribbon on Karaoke night.
Did you guys hear about that Doomsday vault? I'm gonna see if they can put some of my stuff in there. You know, just in case.

What's it like being you, Jeffrey Rowland?
That's funny. I don't 'member those mountains being in Massachusetts.
this reminds me of fear and loathing in las vegas for absolutely no reason
How eerie, it reminds me of that as well.
What's it like being you, Jeffrey Rowland?
Mostly wondering what it's like to be other people.
Man, I am trying NOT to be put in the Doomsday Vault. I have my own vault already.
Just in case.
That crazy existential dillema!
Jeffrey, is that your Dr. Zoidberg tattoo? Because if it is, I salute you.
Dag yo, I wish I had a Dr. Zoidberg tattoo.
I drink lots of Pabst blue ribbon (in the can) because it tastes just like bud in the can for HALF THE PRICE.
Being cheap is a good thing.
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