The Prescription Tiara

I think the only thing I learned in the news this week is that being Amish is kind of awesome (it is also, as mass media relentlessly reminds us, very, very simple). It seems like the Amish have the right idea; they realize there's no big payoff in life and each day is what it is. It's okay to be blissfully ignorant of the immaculately perveted instant messsages between a lawmaker and his college student underling which gets explained away as a "prank gone awry" when changing the political affiliation of the disgraced politician doesn't work. It is okay to be unaware of this.
Have a good weekend, where in America regular people get the day off work because in 1492 a man's "discovery" began the ruthless, bloody conquest of North America. Happy Columbus Day!
So the "prank" still doesn't discount Foley liking underage boy-cock, it's just a way for the page to claim it wasn't a gay thing, but just a party thing. Am I getting that right?
Gristle: The 'disease' bit could also be referring to alcoholism - he checked himself into rehab as a first show of contrition.
Columbus, what a man. Long live the invasion of lesser countries to further our own ends!
Actually, I can see how something like Foley's case could be a prank. Why would a 16 year old boy like to flirt with a 50 year old man?
Oh, and the word bollocks makes me think of V for Vendetta, when the little girl is watching the T.V..
Um... my family got here long after the carnage had reached its peak. If that is any consolation.
huh, "bollocks" is a word you don't see in an American comic strip! ever so subtle!
Also, viva England! Bollocks, great word, well used.
This weekend is thanksgiving in Canada. That involves less genocide and more crop subsidies that undercut farmers from 2nd and 3rd world nations.
I remember explaining to an American that "bollocks" is the British version of "bullshit"
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