Adventures in Tequila Marketing

The day of the election I went to the liquor store and said "give me a pint of your finest tequila!" The guy pulled the bottle down off the shelf and said "thirty five dollars." I replied, "give me a pint of your second-finest tequila instead."
Much comicking this weekend, and moving next week into my own private spot in Northampton, with a sound-proof drawing room! I am becoming increasingly affected by outside forces in my rapidly advancing... maturity.
Did the tequila cause an acne breakout?
How many moves is this now Jeff?
How many moves is this now Jeff?
Five since I've been here.
It was a pint, I should have specified that I asked for a pint.
Has anyone asked why Tallahassee isn't on the cast page? Also, why isn't Tallahassee on the cast page?
Ah yes, the lovely advancing of age. I thought I was now incapable of getting thoroughly crapfaced drunk, until recently on our cruise I drank 11 snifters of cognac within 4 hours and did. not. DIE!!
For $35 a pint that tequila better come with a pretty Mexican girl to massage you while you drink it.
Don't worry, Jeff, you're not old yet. Now me, on the other hand, yeah, I'm getting old.
I've had the $35-a-pint tekeelur. After the third shot you won't miss the pretty Mexican girl.
I may be mistaken, but is Tallahassee wearing the skinned remains of Winston as a hat?? She is crazy.
I may be mistaken, but is Tallahassee wearing the skinned remains of Winston as a hat?? She is crazy.
I always knew that Econolodge dame was bad news but I like her idea of a good drink.
Ahhh... The quicly advancing maturity. I have reached the point where I don't listen to music in the car because it's distracting from the drive.
You call it old age, I call getting in touch with the part of life I've been missing out on. The present.
It also helps turn my brain off, for short periods at least.
yeah im definitely noticing a lack of pants there.
he's just showing the ol' mid-riff...
Someone is moving into an empty apartment in my building soon... IS IT YOU?
Lee Salem of the Universal Syndicate must be dialing up the lawyers about that Calvin and Hobbes ripoff label. Had Bill Watterson licensed his work like some other cartoonist (ahem, Charles Schultz, Jim Davis, Scott Adams) he'd be a gazillionaire - instead all we have are the strips.
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